Appetite controllers

Appetite control is an effective strategy that can help in everyday work on your dream figure or in maintaining a healthy body weight.

Excessive appetite is a big problem that has little to do with hunger. It's just a strong need to reach for another product and satisfy a (usually unhealthy) craving. The increased need to reach for food can make it difficult to persevere on a diet and ruin even the most ambitious plans. The causes of excessive appetite can be different, fortunately there are ways to deal with it!

Center of hunger and satiety

Appetite is a natural biological need of the body. It is caused by the hunger and satiety center in brain, which, more precisely, is located in part of the diencephalon known as the hypothalamus.

It is the hypothalamus that receives various signals that inform about body's needs. We can distinguish signals:

  • thermal, received by thermoreceptors
  • motor, associated with filling of the stomach,
  • metabolic, which relate to the availability of substrates,
  • hormonal, related to the production of hormones by the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, such as: insulin, ghrelin or leptin.

The center of hunger and satiety is also closely related to the level of:

  • glucose, the increase in concentration of which means satiety, and the decrease - the appearance of a feeling of hunger
  • free fatty acids - when their level decreases, information about hunger reaches the brain,
  • amino acids - they are necessary for body to produce neurotransmitters. These, in turn, bring the impulse with a coded message to the center of hunger or satiety.

Appetite and feeling of hunger

Hunger and appetite are easy to confuse, because both stimulate the desire to reach for food.

Hunger is a natural, physiological signal of the body. It appears a few hours after the last meal and intensifies with time. It results from a decrease in glucose concentration, changes in hormone levels and the release of free fatty acids.

Appetite, on the other hand, is emotional hunger. It can occur at any time, regardless of whether we have just finished consuming a meal or more time has passed since the last dish. Appetite is not due to the stimulation of the hunger center in brain. Most often it is a desire to eat a specific food and testifies to a psychological need.

However, appetite can also be associated with processes occurring in our body. Unstable carbohydrate-insulin metabolism, accompanying states of hypoglycemia or negative emotions such as frustration and stress may contribute to the need to reach for a specific, usually sweet product.

Why is appetite control important in the body shaping process?

Reduction of body fat, building muscle mass and shaping the dream figure are processes that are closely related to everyday life, diet, physical activity and hormones.

Excessive appetite can make it difficult or even impossible to achieve the intended goals. When the body, despite the lack of hunger, receives further portions of food, it digests intensively all the time, and this may increase the risk of undesirable consequences - overweight, obesity, indigestion and even diabetes.

The situation may be similar in case of lack of appetite - the efforts put into training will be in vain if you are unable to control your appetite. After all, without the right portion of energy, you will not build muscle mass.

Luckily, there are ways and dietary supplements that can help control appetite and thus can promote the construction and shaping of your dream figure.

Natural ways to control your appetite

Excessive appetite often results from ubiquitous advertisements and store shelves bending from colorful, appetizing products. After all, what the eyes see can stimulate the appetite. Don't worry, we won't recommend you walk around the shops with your eyes closed.

Appetite control should start with taking care of sleep and daily diet and then it is worth including appropriate dietary supplements in menu

Sleep and appetite

Available scietific research suggests that the length of sleep may be closely related to the level of ghrelin, a hormone, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger.

People who do not sleep long enough, complain of poor sleep quality and suffer from circadian rhythm disturbances, consume more calories than people who get regular sleep. Thus, inadequate length and quality of sleep may promote excessive appetite and weight gain.

To help control your appetite, it's worth getting enough sleep.

Proper diet

It is clear that a well-balanced diet can support the proper functioning of the body, satisfy hunger and promote well-being.

Regularly eaten meals can also help reduce hunger pangs and gradually inhibit the need to reach for various types of cravings.

In addition, it is important that the food consumed is not only healthy and balanced, but also stand out for their high satiety index, that is an indicator that allows you to determine satiety after consuming a certain food. Thanks to this, after a meal you will feel full for a long time and thus you will not feel like reaching for unhealthy snacks and you will take control of your appetite.

Reaching for water between meals can also help control and reduce appetite.

Physical examinations

Increased appetite may be caused by hormonal disorders and diseases such as type II diabetes. Therefore, before you start taking dietary supplements aimed at lowering appetite or increasing the feeling of satiety, do tests and consult a doctor.

Perhaps your problem with appetite control results from a deficiency or excess of one of the hormones, and its adjustment is a recipe for success?

Dietary supplements to help control appetite

There are both substances that can increase appetite, such as piperine, which stimulates nerve endings in the digestive system and thus increases appetite, as well as supplements, which can suppress excessive appetite.

Dietary supplements helpful in appetite control are recommended for people who can not cope with excessive appetite and the need to reach for more snacks. Appetite suppressants can also work among those who eat stress.

Dietary supplements that are worth reaching for to take control of appetite include:

  • Chrome - which can prevent sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels and thus can reduce the desire for "something sweet",
  • Fiber, which can swell under the influence of water, at the same time fill the stomach and reduce the feeling of hunger,
  • Apple vinegar - which can affect the feeling of satiety faster,
  • Protein-rich preparations, which can raise the level of hormones that lower appetite and at the same time reduce the level of ghrelin, the hunger hormone,
  • Berberine, which may suppress appetite and reduce leptin secretion,
  • Garcinia cambogia plant extract, which contains hydroxycitric acid and this can reduce appetite and hunger, also at the same time can stimulate fat burning.

By inhibiting the feeling of hunger, increasing satiety and regulating blood glucose levels, these substances and other appetite blockers can help regain control over appetite, and thus can enable you to achieve your dream figure and build muscle mass without desire to snack.

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