Bone & Joint Support

Protection of joints and bones is crucial to ensure the proper functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system, and thus the human body.

It is thanks to these structures that we can move and perform various types of activities. Therefore, to ensure full mobility, it is worth taking care of and protecting joints and bones.

What are joints and bones?

Joints are a part of the human movement system that is responsible for moving and maintaining proper posture. These are mobile connections between the components of the skeleton.

Bone on the other hand, is a type of connective tissue that forms a rigid structure. It is made of organic and inorganic ingredients that take care of resistance to injuries and provide durability. It is an organ that builds the skeletal system, which is a support, i.e. a kind of scaffolding for the whole organism.

Why is it worth taking care of joints and bones?

We usually realize how important joints and bones are when we start to have problems related to them - when there are injuries, pain or damage.

Joints and bones allow full mobility. It is thanks to them that we can move and practice various types of sports. Even the smallest movement of our body requires the work of at least several joints.

Therefore, it is worth protecting joints and bones to be able to enjoy full fitness and strong bones resistant to loads for as long as possible. So how to take care of your joints and bones?

How to properly protect joints and bones?

To improve everyday functioning and have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, it is worth:

  • taking care of the right body weight - excessive body weight can negatively affect both joints and bones. This may result in too much strain on the musculoskeletal system and excessive friction between the articular cartilages and thus to injuries or the development of degenerative disease, especially in the ankle, knee and hip joints. Therefore, by reducing body weight, we can have a positive effect on our joints and bones.
  • use a balanced diet - it is always worth using a healthy and balanced diet, because a properly selected menu can support the work of the whole body and improve human well-being. When protecting joints and bones, it is particularly worth paying attention to the participation in the diet of products rich in vitamin D, vitamin C or collagen, as well as fatty acids from the omega-3 family. These compounds can nourish joints and increase their strength and flexibility. It is therefore worth including in the diet products such as fatty sea fish or fresh vegetables and fruit.
  • Do physical activity regularly- it is not without reason that it is said that sport is health. Any physical activity can affect the better nutrition of the joints, as well as the improvement of their condition. Regular physical exercise can also increase bone mass, improve balance and motor coordination, and thus reduce the risk of falls and fractures. An active lifestyle can also improve blood circulation and oxygenate the joints. An important element of any activity is the warm-up, which is an extremely important component of training. It is thanks to proper warming up of muscles and joints that the risk of their damage is reduced.
  • Avoid overloading - when performing repetitive activities, it is worth paying attention to the appropriate position and posture, so as not to additionally burden the joints and bones. Breaks between activities are also important, which can support the regeneration of the musculoskeletal system and positively affect the condition of the joints.
  • Act prophylactically- in order not to experience pain, injuries and fractures on your own "skin", it is worth protecting joints and bones in advance. In addition to regular physical activity and a proper diet rich in valuable nutrients, it is also worth considering taking dietary supplements that can protect joints and bones during periods of increased activity or increased risk of injury.

Substances, which can support joints and bones

In the case of people who are particularly vulnerable to joint and bone damage (e.g. among athletes performing intensive training), a good solution seems to be the implementation of appropriate supplementation, which can support the condition of the joints, strengthen the bones and regenerate the joint cartilage. Properly selected preparations can be a great complement to a healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Among the supplements that can be used to protect joints and bones, it is worth highlighting compounds such as collagen, glucosamine, organic sulfur or chondroitin.


Collagen is an extremely important substance for the proper functioning of joints, which can constitute as much as 70% of their structure. It is a protein that is a component of connective tissue and a building block of joint cartilage.

Collagen can regulate the flexibility of joints and is also responsible for the production of the right amount of synovial fluid. Adequate supply of the compound may also increase the resistance of cartilage to mechanical stress. In addition, the protein may participate in the processes of wound healing and bone union.


Glucosamine is a substrate needed for the biosynthesis of proteoglycans, which are part of joint cartilage. The compound can stimulate collagen synthesis and retain water in connective tissues, which can affect their flexibility and elasticity.


MSM, or organic sulfur, is a compound that can reduce inflammation in the joints, and what's more, it can reduce their pain, swelling and stiffness.

MSM can also support the regeneration of the entire skeletal system, nourish bones and joints, and improve the condition of synovial fluid. Organic sulfur may also reduce the breakdown of cartilage, which is responsible for protecting the ends of bones in joints.


Chondroitin is one of the components of joint cartilage, which can protect joints from excessive friction.

The compound can also support the production of synovial fluid responsible for the proper functioning of joints. It can also support the reconstruction of connective tissue and relieve pain associated with stiffening of the joints.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a component of synovial fluid. It can nourish the articular cartilage and protect it from excessive loads and friction.

In addition, the substance can support water storage and restore the elastic properties of synovial fluid. The compound can also improve joint mobility.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D supports bones from an early age, as it may be responsible for the development and maturation of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, it can improve bone density, participate in the regulation of calcium-phosphate metabolism and affect the homeostasis of elements in the body.

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