
Detox of the body is an action aimed at removing toxins from the body. In recent times, detoxification has become a fashionable trend propagated by celebrities.

Although in the medical literature this term means discontinuation of stimulants, detox is commonly treated in society as a form of improving well-being and getting rid of accumulated, unnecessary substances from the body. What is detox really and what are the benefits of using it?

Body detox - what is it?

Detox belongs to the methods of cleansing the body of toxins and unnecessary metabolic products that contribute to the occurrence of fatigue, indigestion and a feeling of heaviness.

Detox diets are usually short term, lasting from 2 to 21 days.

They are extremely popular among people who want to quickly lose extra kilograms, because detoxifying the body is mistakenly called a slimming diet. Although detox can actually help reduce body weight, it is not a classic slimming method.

Despite the widespread use of the concept of detox and detox diets, the term toxin remains undefined in this regard. In conventional medicine, "toxin" refers to drugs and alcohol, and the detoxification process involves the withdrawal of stimulants taken by patients.

When can detoxification be considered?

How to recognize that our body needs a detox? Long-term, persistent lack of energy, fatigue, apathy, weakness and malaise are symptoms that may suggest the need for detoxification. Other symptoms also include skin problems, weakened hair and nails, as well as headaches and digestive problems incl. gases.

With such symptoms, however, it is also worth seeking a medical consultation, because they can be harbingers of various, sometimes serious, diseases.

Benefits of using detoxification

The advantages of detoxification include, above all, detoxification of toxins from toxins and getting rid of harmful substances from the body, which eliminates previously occurring symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, apathy and drowsiness.

A few days of cleansing the body can help improve well-being and contribute to the feeling of lightness. At the same time, it can positively affect the vitality and homeostasis of the body.

Detox can also help lower blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and may also improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body. What's more, detoxification can support the work of the liver and the immune system, as well as take care of the digestive system.

A properly carried out detoxification process can also help get rid of unnecessary kilograms.

Ways to detox the body

There are different variants and ways of detoxifying the whole body. Some of them should be used for a very short time, others may be longer lasting processes. However, it is always worth using common sense and paying attention to your well-being while using detoxification.

Starvation diet

One of the popular methods of detoxification is fasting, which can only be used by healthy people, and the duration of such a "diet" should not exceed two days.

Fasting consists in the complete abandonment of food intake. When using it, care should always be taken not to contribute to the weakening of the body and the opposite effects from the intended one. During this form of detox, it is essential to drink plenty of water to flush all toxins out of the body.

This is a dangerous form of detoxification of the body, which can lead to the occurrence of numerous deficiencies. If you decide on this form of detox, remember that this is only a short-term solution.

Juice detox

Another variant of the detoxification diet is the juice diet, which can be used in two ways.

The first option is to consume only fruit and vegetable juices for a period of several days to two weeks. It is a process that can help remove toxins from the body, but at the same time it can lead to depriving the body of many valuable nutrients, which is why this form of detox is not recommended.

The second option of the juice diet is based on the inclusion of approx. 2 liters of fruit and vegetable juices in the menu, without giving up eating food products (it is worth eliminating unhealthy highly processed products, sweets and fast food from the diet). It is a beneficial form of detoxification, which excludes heavy foods from our diet, and provides many vitamins and minerals along with fresh juices.

Low energy diet

A very low-energy diet consists in consuming much less calories each day than our needs suggest.

A low-calorie diet can support the detoxification and weight loss process if the energy reduction is not too large, and the calories necessary to meet the body's needs are provided every day with food.

If we decide to use a diet that brings very few calories to the body (and therefore looks like fasting), we can cause an avalanche of undesirable effects, such as weakness or loss of valuable ingredients. After the end of dietary restrictions, lost kilograms can quickly return in the form of a yo-yo effect.

Healthy detox

The most recommended form of detoxification is to support the body in its natural, proper functioning.

It is worth eliminating from the diet products considered unhealthy (sweets, salty snacks, fast food, highly processed food), give up fatty, hard to digest dishes and use low-processed, nutritious and easily digestible products.

A great solution is a healthy and balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, wholegrain cereal products, lean meat and fish, as well as milk and dairy products.

In addition, it is worth including products that support metabolism and the work of the liver, kidneys and intestines, i.e. organs that are responsible for detoxification processes in the body.

To take care of your body and support it in the detox process, you should:

  • drink large amounts of fluids (minimum two liters of water per day), which is necessary for the proper course of metabolic processes and metabolism,
  • eat regularly - take small portions of meals at regular intervals,
  • include in your diet products such as:
    • green tea, which has a positive effect on metabolism,
    • dietary fiber, which supports the work of the entire digestive system and has a beneficial effect on intestinal peristalsis,
    • vegetables and fruits, in particular lemon, which supports liver function and supports the fight against acidification of the body, figs and beets, which have a positive effect on the organs responsible for detoxification and celery, which helps remove unnecessary substances from the body and deacidifies the body,
    • herbs - purification, dandelion or infusions of herbs are recommended because they support the work of the digestive system, have a diuretic effect and care for the intestinal flora,
    • silage, which is a source of probiotics supporting the work of the body and digestive system,
  • remember about physical activity and regularly do sports, which stimulates metabolism (sweat secreted during exercise also supports the removal of unnecessary substances from the body).

Body detox and scientific research

According to scientists, cleansing and detoxification processes occur independently in our body thanks to the proper functioning of organs such as the liver, intestines or kidneys, and all restrictive detoxification diets are only a marketing gimmick and a temporary fashion.

The body is able to get rid of toxins on its own, as quickly as they are produced in it. Therefore, the best solution to support the body is to use a balanced and healthy diet that does not interfere with the work of individual organs, but supports their functioning with possible support with dietary supplements in the case of only partial coverage of the antioxidant diet.

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