Apple cider vinegar - the elixir of health, beauty and slim figure

Apple cider vinegar - the elixir of health, beauty and slim figure

Apple cider vinegar is a product of apple fermentation, which is most often used in the kitchen as an ingredient in salad dressings or meat marinades. However, more and more people also appreciate it for its health-promoting properties.

Apple cider vinegar, thanks to its wealth of valuable nutrients, can positively affect the immune and digestive systems. It can also have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair and, to the delight of many people, apple cider vinegar can also be a good support in the process of weight reduction.

History of apple cider vinegar

As it happens in the case of valuable substances, apple cider vinegar was created completely by accident...

The Babylonians, perhaps as early as 2,000 B.C., used apple vinegar to preserve hunted game. The Assyrians used it for earaches, while the Phoenicians enjoyed a mild solution of apple cider vinegar at social gatherings.

Hippocrates' notes mention the use of apple cider vinegar for all sorts of respiratory ailments, while Cleopatra used the product for relaxing baths.

In the Middle Ages, apple cider vinegar was indispensable for preserving food, it also supported the digestion of fatty and heavy foods. In China in the tenth century, it was used to disinfect hands, while Hildegard of Bingen recommended apple cider vinegar because of its positive effect on the digestive system.

Apple cider vinegar - what is it?

Apple cider vinegar used for a long time is...? Well, what exactly is it and how is it made?

Apple cider vinegar is a food product obtained by two-step fermentation of apples (or apple juice) using yeast and acetic bacteria.

The resulting vinegar can be:

  • pasteurized (at temperatures up to 60 degrees Celsius) - then the entire process of acetic fermentation is stopped, and the product retains organoleptic values, vitamins and minerals,
  • unpasteurized - then the resulting product is live vinegar, on which, over time, a leavening agent, or acetic mother, may appear, containing numerous enzymes and acetic acid bacteria.

The professional definition of apple cider vinegar is this - it is an unfiltered, unsweetened, non-alcoholic drink obtained from apples or apple juice. Often contains added flavors or dyes.

Real apple cider vinegar should be distinguished by its color from yellow to amber, slightly turbid and aromatic.

The composition of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a product of natural fermentation of plant raw materials, so its composition depends on the type and quality of fruits used in the production of the substance.

However, it can be said that apple cider vinegar is distinguished by the richness of many nutrients, including:

  • antioxidants such as beta-carotene, chlorogenic acid, malic acid, citric acid, catechin, tannin,
  • minerals such as sodium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium,
  • vitamins, including B vitamins, vitamin C,
  • fiber,
  • amino acids and enzymes.

Recommended products with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar - properties

The process of making apple cider vinegar is simple, and the cost of making it is low. The health-promoting properties and versatility of the product, however, provide great opportunities for its use in both medicine, cosmetics and the food industry.

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

A healthy diet and regular physical activity are key factors that can contribute to achieving the desired body weight. However, there are compounds and substances that can help in the weight loss process, and one of them is apple cider vinegar.

According to studies, the substance can speed up metabolism, increase lipolysis and reduce lipogenesis, and thus may be an important step in the weight loss process. In addition, apple cider vinegar may have the effect of increasing the feeling of satiety and reducing appetite, which translates into consuming smaller portions of food, thus reducing the total energy content of your diet.

Studies also indicate that consuming apple cider vinegar can have a positive effect on lowering BMI, as well as reducing visceral fat area and reducing waist circumference. In addition, the substance can support detoxification of the body.

Apple cider vinegar seems to be a valuable component of the diet among people who want to reduce body weight.

Apple cider vinegar and the digestive system

Apple cider vinegar, which has a so-called mother of vinegar, can help restore the natural pH of the stomach, and thus can prevent the backflow of gastric contents, the occurrence of heartburn and reflux.

In addition, the substance may exhibit soothing effects on the entire digestive system, prevent cramps and bloating. Apple cider vinegar can also have a stimulating effect on digestive enzymes, thereby regulating the digestive process. It can also reduce constipation problems.

Apple cider vinegar and immunity

Scientific data indicate that apple cider vinegar may exhibit antibacterial and antiviral effects, and thus may inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the substance can be used as a natural disinfectant.

Apple cider vinegar and the oral cavity

Studies also suggest that apple cider vinegar may have a positive effect on oral hygiene.

Substance may reduce plaque buildup and risk of gingivitis. At the same time, it can minimize the development of caries.

There are also data suggesting that apple cider vinegar may exhibit teeth whitening properties.

Apple cider vinegar and diabetes

Apple cider vinegar can also be an aid in the prevention and diet therapy of diabetes.

Taking apple cider vinegar after a meal can lower blood glucose levels. In turn, taking a fermented drink at night can have a positive effect on lowering fasting glucose levels.

Apple cider vinegar added to foods can also lower their glycemic index and thus reduce the "glucose spike" after consuming a meal.

Apple cider vinegar and cholesterol levels

Apple cider vinegar may exhibit properties that lower serum total cholesterol levels.

The study also observed that consuming apple cider vinegar for an extended period of time (more than 8 weeks) can lower serum triglyceride levels. In this experiment, an improvement in HDL cholesterol parameters was also found.

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Apple cider vinegar and skin and hair

The substance has also found use in skin and hair care.

Since apple cider vinegar is a rich source of antioxidants, it is used in cosmetics designed to delay the skin aging process.

At the same time, due to its antibacterial properties, it can support daily body care and cleanse the skin. It can also be helpful in combating juvenile acne.

Using apple cider vinegar on hair can help reduce excess sebum and dandruff, as well as have a positive effect on the condition of hair - the substance can help close the hair's cuticle, so the hair can become stronger and shinier. Thanks to its acidic pH, apple cider vinegar can also restore the natural, proper reaction of the scalp.

Apple cider vinegar and erythrocytes

Although there are data suggesting that apple cider vinegar may have a toxic effect on red blood cells, contributing to their destruction and the development of anemia, it is worth noting that such results were obtained under conditions where the reagent acted directly on erythrocytes.

However, apple cider vinegar delivered to the system with food or drunk in diluted form reaches the digestive system first and only then the bloodstream, and does not show toxic effects on red blood cells.

What's more, other studies indicate that apple cider vinegar may even be helpful in the prevention of anemia.

How to use apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar, due to a number of beneficial properties, seems to be a good support for the proper functioning of the body, improvement of health and weight loss process.

Due to its expressive taste and aroma, apple cider vinegar is most often found in the kitchen as an addition to salads, sauces or marinades.

However, pure apple cider vinegar can put a strain on the digestive system, so it is always recommended to consume it in diluted form.

Use an apple cider vinegar rinse diluted 1:1 with water for hair care. As a tonic and skin care support, apple cider vinegar is worth diluting at a ratio of 1:2.

Appropriate daily serving of apple cider vinegar depends on body weight, age and health status. It is commonly recommended to consume 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day - diluted with water or as a supplement to meals.

Due to its sharp and pungent taste, some people may have trouble taking apple cider vinegar diluted with water only. Then it's a good idea to use the substance as an addition to dishes, cocktails or even tea. You can also prepare a water-based drink using apple cider vinegar, honey, cinnamon and pepper.

There are also many interesting preparations containing apple cider vinegar. You can supply it to the body in the form of tablets or even tasty jellybeans.

Morning or evening - when is it worth reaching for apple cider vinegar?

The duration of consumption of apple cider vinegar depends on the intended effects we would like to achieve. If the purpose of its use is to reduce body weight or lower glucose levels, it is worth using the substance in the morning, before the first meal. Thus, apple cider vinegar can act to increase the feeling of satiety, and the energy taken in with food can be released longer and more efficiently.

To lower fasting glucose levels, it's also a good idea to take a serving of apple cider vinegar the day before in the evening. However, do not use the substance just before bedtime.

On the other hand, if you use apple cider vinegar for other purposes, the time of day does not matter much.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of apple cider vinegar are any ailments related to the digestive system - the compound can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and throat.

Apple cider vinegar can also interact with routine medications, so it's a good idea to be cautious and consult your doctor before using it. The compound may interact with diabetes drugs, potassium-lowering drugs, and some diuretics.

It is worth taking apple cider vinegar in moderation, as long-term use of the substance in large doses can adversely affect blood potassium levels and increase the risk of developing osteoporosis.


Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Copywriter - nutritionist. Bachelor's degree in sports dietetics She graduated from the Academy of Physical Education in Poznan, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - from the University of Physical Education in Poznan. at UP in Poznań. However, she treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable guidelines, rather than strict rules that must be strictly followed. Knowledge in the field of copywriting, on the other hand, she draws from courses and industry literature, but since the best way to learn is to practice. learning is practice, she spends many hours each day playing with words and creating new, unique content. content. Privately, she is passionate about photography and can't imagine life without books.

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