Muscle memory - what is it and how does it affect breaks in training?

Muscle memory - what is it and how does it affect breaks in training?

Muscle memory is a natural mechanism of the human body, which is responsible for the automaticity of performing certain movements and activities. It is a type of body memory that allows you to return to physical activity after a break, promoting faster recovery of form and condition. What is the mechanism of muscle memory? How long does muscle memory last and how to exercise it?

What is muscle memory?

Muscle memory is a concept that refers to both muscle memory, which allows performing many different activities without focusing on their course, i.e., without the participation of consciousness, and also applies to muscles and their physiological skills, which allow, among others, to rebuild strength or muscle mass after a long break from physical activity.

The phenomenon of muscle memory is a natural mechanism that is responsible for adapting the body to perform certain movements automatically, without thinking about the process of their course. Muscle memory can be developed as a result of duplication of movement patterns, by repeating specific movements and activities.

Muscle memory is also often referred to as motor or procedural memory. This type of memorization makes it possible to resume muscle work despite a break in performing activity - because the body is able to remember movement patterns, it already knows the impulse, therefore, after the break, he does not have to reinterpret it.

What is muscle memory responsible for?

Muscle memory allows performing motor activities without focusing on their course, which relieves human consciousness, and also allows optimal use of the body's capabilities. What's more, procedural memory increases precision and allows for a gradual increase in the intensity of training, and thus to achieve the desired progress. In addition, as confirmed by scientific research, body memory allows faster return to form after a long break.

Muscle memory allows performing activities learned during conscious training, as well as to repeat everyday movements, developed by experience and repeatability. What is this type of memory for? For skills such as cycling, swimming, typing on the computer without looking at the keyboard or driving a car.

Motor memory is a mechanism that helps in everyday life, but also facilitates the performance of training. The automatic mode of operation of the body promotes quick and effective work, which means that athletes can achieve the desired training results in a shorter time.

What is the mechanism of muscle memory?

The mechanism of muscle memory is an extremely interesting phenomenon that results from the synergistic action of the human body. When muscle receptors are activated, a signal is sent to the central nervous system, which informs about the type of activity performed, muscle tension and body position. The brain remembers a given sequence of movements, which means that when performing a given activity again, the system works more confidently and faster.

Among physically active people, muscle memory is also important. During training, there is an increased work of muscle fibers and increased protein synthesis. Then the muscle cells and the number of cell nuclei in these structures increase. When training stops, muscle volume decreases, but the number of cell nuclei remains constant. Thus, the muscles of the athlete, even after a long break associated with the cessation of physical activity, can return to form faster after resuming exercise, than the muscle tissue of people who have never performed a given activity.

The more often a given activity is repeated, the better it supports muscle memory. In turn, this may cause that each subsequent training seems easier than the previous one, and over time it is necessary to modify the exercises, resulting from the need to increase the training regime.

How long does muscle memory last?

It is difficult to say how long the body's memory lasts. The life span of cell nuclei in muscle tissues is quite long and can last about 15 years. Since it is assumed that motor memory depends on the life span of cell nuclei, muscle memory can also be considered to last 15 years.

Therefore, it is worth taking care of the body and physical condition, and you should not give up training for a long time. Thanks to muscle memory, it is possible to rebuild the form at the age of 40, which the player stood out at the age of 25. So exercise and do effective work regardless of age, and your muscles will definitely remember it, so that in the event of a break, you can faster return to your condition.

Muscle memory allows returning to condition and form even after a long break from training. It is a kind of automatic response to movements and activities.

Muscle memory and a break in training

Among physically active people, any longer break in training leads to changes in the muscles. A week without physical effort can cause contraction of muscle fibre and decrease of muscle tone, while a two-week break can cause a noticeable deterioration in condition and efficiency, as well as result in a decrease in the rate of protein synthesis. After a month of vacation from physical exertion, the body can start to lose muscle mass.

A return to the form before the break, as we have already mentioned, is possible, because the number of cell nuclei does not change, and the muscles remember what activities were performed by the athlete before the vacation. How long does it take to get back in condition? It all depends on the length of the break, as well as its cause - the situation is slightly different in the case of injury, and otherwise when the break from exercise results, for example, from vacation. However, you do not have to worry, the muscles will return to form sooner or later, and achieving the desired results after a break, thanks to muscle memory, will certainly be easier than when you started your adventure with sports.

What can damage muscle memory?

Using the physiological phenomenon of motor memory may hinder or prevent, among others.:

  • diseases of the neuromuscular system, including myopathies,
  • diseases of the central nervous system, such as Huntington's chorea,
  • some strokes.

Then neurological rehabilitation, whose task is to restore lost skills, which can positively affect the functioning of the body, may be helpful.

Interestingly, the phenomenon of muscle memory can also be helpful during rehabilitation after injuries. During rehabilitation, muscles should be strengthened, which can promote the production of muscle protein and have a positive effect on the course of rehabilitation, as well as return to form after the end of treatment.

How to exercise muscle memory?

Body memory is a natural mechanism, but it is worth practicing and strengthening it every day. How do we do that?

The practice and repeatability of movements play a key role. Therefore, it is worth focusing on the activity performed and repeating it until it is not difficult to perform. In addition, it is worth paying attention to developing good stimulus by taking care of the correct technique. Concentration and consistency also play an important role.

Strengthening procedural memory, it is worth remembering that muscle memory is not only associated with exercising and training. The most important processes and reactions occur in the brain when a new stimulus reaches the body. In addition, it is the brain is responsible for the contractions of individual muscles and the work of the whole body. Therefore, in order to take care of muscle memory, you need to support both the body and the mind.

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Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Master of dietetics, specialist in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy

Copywriter - dietitian. She completed her bachelor's degree in sports dietetics at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - at the UP in Poznań. She treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable tips, not rigorous regulations, that must be strictly followed. Privately, she is passionate about photography, which cannot imagine life without books.

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