ALA is alpha-lipoic acid, a chemical compound, which can be one of the most powerful antioxidants in the human body.

Alpha-lipoic acid may increase the body's sensitivity to insulin and increase the uptake of glucose from the blood by the muscles and liver and thus may reduce blood sugar levels. In addition, the compound may have a hepatoprotective effect and provide support for athletes, increasing the efficiency and resistance of the body to physical effort.

What is ALA?

ALA, or alpha-lipoic acid, is an organic chemical compound belonging to the group of carboxylic acids. The action of alpha-lipoic acid can be compared to the action of vitamins. However, compared to vitamins, ALA can be synthesized naturally in the human body to a small extent.

With age, the synthesis of alpha-lipoic acid in the body may decrease, which is why it is worth including products, which are a source of the compound in the daily diet or consider the use of dietary supplements rich in this ingredient.

Sources of ALA in a daily diet

Alpha-lipoic acid can be found in commonly available food products. A good source of the compound can be vegetables such as.:

  • potatoes,
  • broccoli,
  • brussels sprouts,
  • spinach,
  • tomatoes,
  • peas.

ALA can also be found in meat products, especially offal and rice bran.

ALA properties and effect on the body

Alpha-lipoic acid is a compound, which can have very strong antioxidant properties. For this reason, it can support the body in neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative stress, as well as in eliminating reactive oxygen species in the body. At the same time, ALA can slow down the aging process of the body.

Its presence may also be crucial for the course of many important metabolic processes, as well as transformations, which can lead to energy production in cells.

Alpha-lipoic acid may also have a protective effect on the liver and have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it can increase the elasticity of blood vessels and have a positive effect on the heart.

It can also support the processes of removing toxins from the body and increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin. At the same time, ALA can improve the conversion of glucose to glycogen and thus affect the regulation of blood glucose levels.

Alpha-lipoic acid may also lower blood pressure and have a positive effect on the lipid profile.

ALA may contribute to increasing energy expenditure while lowering appetite and may also affect carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. In addition, alpha-lipoic acid may limit the production of chemeric, a substance that may play an important role in the development of obesity and increase angiogenesis within the growing adipose tissue. Thanks to this, ALA can promote weight loss processes.

Alpha-lipoic acid may be an important compound in the diet of athletes, as it may have the ability to increase the amount of glycogen in the muscles and liver. Glycogen is a polysaccharide, which the body can use during times of increased activity. Thus, alpha-lipoic acid can increase the body's resistance to physical exercise and positively affect its efficiency.

For whom is ALA supplementation recommended?

Supplementation with alpha-lipoic acid may be helpful among athletes. This compound can support muscle work, fasten metabolism and oxygenate the body. It can also reduce inflammation, and thus may contribute to accelerating regeneration and reducing painful ailments after training. ALA can be recommended among all people active physically, who want to increase energy and improve sport results. ALA can therefore be recommended among all physically active people who want to increase energy and improve sports performance.

Interestingly, preparations rich in alpha-lipoic acid should be taken together with creatine, which can facilitate the absorption of substances and intensify the body's anabolic processes.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of ALA

Alpha-lipoic acid can be considered a relatively safe compound, which exhibits very low toxicity.

However, taken for a long time in too high doses, the supplement may contribute to the occurrence of undesirable symptoms, such as allergic skin reactions, nausea, abdominal pain or diarrhea.

Diabetics should consult a doctor before starting to take dietary supplements rich in alpha-lipoic acid to properly correlate the dose of the preparation with the portion of antidiabetic drugs.

In addition, ALA supplementation is inadvisable among people who abuse alcohol, as well as among those suffering from thiamine deficiencies.

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