Supplements for reduction - what preparations to support weight loss to choose?

Supplements for reduction - what preparations to support weight loss to choose?

Slimming supplements can be a helpful tool during weight reduction. Used together with a balanced diet taking into account the energy deficit and appropriate physical activity, they can facilitate the supplementation of deficiencies of valuable components in the body, as well as accelerate the process of reducing excessive body fat and achieving the desired effects. What are dietary supplements for reduction? What slimming preparations are worth using during weight reduction?

What are dietary supplements for reduction?

Dietary supplements are a concentrated source of valuable substances that can positively affect the work of the human body. According to the definition, they are a comestible product that can be used to supplement the daily diet. Supplements are preparations that can provide the body with vitamins, minerals or other substances that have a nutritional effect or other physiological effect. These are products that can be placed on the market in the form of capsules, tablets, liquid ampoules, drops or powder sachets and must allow for an appropriate dosage.

Dietary supplements must be safe for human health and life, and detailed requirements for the composition and labelling of these products are specified in the regulation of the Minister of Health of 9 October 2007 on the composition and labelling of dietary supplements (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland from 2018, position 1951, as amended).

Reduction supplements are slimming preparations that can support the body in weight reduction. It is worth remembering that supplements for reduction are not magical capsules that will cause the loss of unnecessary kilograms without any sacrifices. These are preparations that can support weight loss and fight against excess body fat, and the effect of their action can be observed only if they are used complete with a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Why is supplementation for reduction important?

Weight reduction is a big challenge and a lot of effort for the body. Slimming consists in taking into account the appropriate caloric deficit in the daily menu and taking regular physical activity. When reducing body weight, it is important to provide the body with all the important macro-and micronutrients and support the proper functioning of the body. Then, well-thought-out supplementation may be helpful.

According to the results of scientific research, some supplements on the reduction can speed up the process of weight loss and allow faster achievement of the desired effects, and what's more, the right supplements can protect muscles against muscle catabolism, preventing the breakdown of muscle tissue.

What supplements for reductions? The best supplements to support weight loss

When deciding to reduce body weight, it is necessary to modify the daily menu so that despite the caloric deficit, provide the body with adequate amounts of macro-and micronutrients. If the correct composition of a diet for weight loss is difficult to perform, it is worth consulting an experienced dietitian.

Although a slimming diet should meet the body's need for all nutrients, sometimes it may be helpful to use dietary supplements supplementing the daily diet plan with important compounds. When reducing body weight, it is worth paying special attention to substances that can further support and facilitate the weight loss process, intensifying the reduction of body fat.

Recommended supplements during weight loss

Protein supplements

Protein is a key macronutrient during weight reduction, which is due to the fact that the proteins are slowly digested and provide appetite reduction and a feeling of satiety for a long time. Moreover, the protein reduces hunger and prevents muscle breakdown, showing anabolic properties and inhibiting muscle catabolism. In combination with strength training, the use of high-protein preparations can stimulate muscle growth and promote the achievement of a dream, sculpted figure.

Because during weight loss the need for the protein may increase, and providing the right amount of the protein to the body along with a balanced menu may be difficult to realize, it is worth considering the use of protein supplements, which can be an interesting variety of the daily diet and ensure an adequate supply of a valuable macronutrient.

There are various protein supplements available on the market that can be reached during weight reduction. The most popular are preparations based on whey protein, which include whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate or whey protein hydrolyzate.


Caffeine is an organic chemical compound that belongs to the group of purine alkaloids. It is a substance that is most often obtained from coffee seeds and used as a stimulant of the central nervous system, which can positively affect concentration and reduce fatigue. According to the results of scientific research, the caffeine can also stimulate thermogenesis and fat oxidation, and thus may contribute to the acceleration of weight reduction. Moreover, a moderate dose of the caffeine, about 3 mg/kg body weight, can increase the amount of oxidized fat during submaximal exercise, being an effective strategy for increasing the body's use of fat.

Green tea

Green tea is obtained from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, which during production are subjected only to water vapor and drying, which positively affects the content of nutrients in the product.

The green tea owes its properties primarily to catechin, known as apigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which can positively affect the functioning of the body, showing, among others, antioxidant properties. In the green tea infusion the amounts of EGCG and other health-promoting ingredients are small, which is why, especially during weight loss, it is worth considering the use of the green tea extracts, which are a concentrated form of the compound.

Scientific data suggest that the green tea extract may inhibit the secretion of ghrelin and contribute to the increase in adiponectin levels, and thus may affect the reduction of waist circumference, lowering the level of total cholesterol and its LDL fraction and can promote significant weight loss and thus may reduce the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Dietary fibre

Dietary fibre is a natural substance of plant origin that is not digested and absorbed in the digestive tract. It is a mixture of polysaccharide and non-polysaccharide substances that can increase the feeling of satiety, positively affect digestive processes and accelerate intestinal peristalsis. In addition, because the dietary fibre fill out in the stomach, it can reduce hunger and help control appetite. The dietary fibre can also be involved in regulating the absorption of fat and carbohydrates in the body, which can be helpful in the prevention of obesity.

Dietary supplements for weight loss are one-or multi-component preparations that may be helpful during weight reduction. The ingredients that can facilitate fat burning include caffeine, green tea extract or L-carnitine.


Capsaicin is a compound naturally occurring in nature, which is responsible for the spicy and burning taste of peppers. It is a substance that can be found, in particular, in the membrane holding the seeds in chilli peppers and its various varieties. According to the results of scientific research, the capsaicin may contribute to weight reduction by increasing energy expenditure, among others by activating brown adipose tissue, as well as by affecting insulin control and lipid oxidation. There are also analyses that suggest the capsaicin may increase satiety and reduce hunger.


Piperine is an alkaloid that can be found in the root and fruits of black pepper. It is a substance that is responsible for the characteristic, spicy taste of the spice. The piperine can stimulate the release of pancreatic enzymes and increase the secretion of gastric juice, and moreover, it can affect the intensification of thermogenesis and inhibit the absorption of fatty acids in the intestines. In addition, the piperine can also strengthen the function of the intestinal barrier and prevent the occurrence of obesity.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that contain a double bond at the third carbon atom, counting from the methyl end of the chain. These are essential unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs), which include compounds such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), as well as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The omega-3 acids are extremely important for the proper functioning of the human body, and what is more, they can support the process of weight loss. Scientific data suggest that supplementation with the omega-3 fatty acids may increase weight reduction, especially among people who are struggling with android obesity, or excessive accumulation of adipose tissue within the abdomen.

Supplements for reduction can help you lose unnecessary kilograms. Combined with a balanced diet and regular physical activity, they can provide valuable support among people who are struggling with excessive body weight.


Chromium is a microelement that is a trace element with the symbol Cr. It is a compound present in food that can be delivered to the body along with products such as eggs, whole grains products, tomatoes and walnuts. The chromium can participate in many metabolic processes, playing an important role in the transformation of amino acids, glucose and lipids through its effect on insulin. In addition, the micronutrient may affect neurotransmitters responsible for satiety control, energy homeostasis and food intake. Some studies also suggest that the chromium may contribute to weight loss while maintaining non-fat body mass, which is an extremely desirable phenomenon.


L-carnitine is an organic chemical compound recognized as a vitamin-like substance, which is a two-peptide formed from methionine and lysine. It is a substance that can participate in the metabolism of lipids, amino acids and carbohydrates, and in addition can play an important role in the process of thermogenesis. The results of the meta-analysis indicate that the L-carnitine may contribute to weight loss, as well as fat mass and BMI. Research also suggests that the positive effect of the l-carnitine on weight loss can be observed in particular among overweight and obese people.

Supplements for reduction - how to choose slimming supplements?

When deciding to reduce body weight, you should pay attention to several important aspects - daily diet, regular physical activity and appropriate supplementation. The diet for slimming should take into account the caloric deficit individually tailored to the needs of the body, but at the same time should ensure an adequate supply of energy and valuable ingredients necessary for proper functioning.

When the menu for reduction is ready, it is worth focusing on the training plan. Exercises should involve as many muscles as possible, which is why FBW (full body workout) or cardio exercises can be a good solution, especially among beginners.

For a properly composed menu and physical activity plan, it is also worth adjusting the appropriate dietary supplements. Supplementation during the reduction can be extremely helpful - tailored to the needs of the body can facilitate the achievement of the desired effects and loss of unnecessary kilograms, and can also help supplement possible nutritional deficiencies. Carefully developed plan of action on reduction is the first step to success!

Learn more:
What do you need to know before starting a weight loss diet?


Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Copywriter - nutritionist. Bachelor's degree in sports dietetics She graduated from the Academy of Physical Education in Poznan, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - from the University of Physical Education in Poznan. at UP in Poznań. However, she treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable guidelines, rather than strict rules that must be strictly followed. Knowledge in the field of copywriting, on the other hand, she draws from courses and industry literature, but since the best way to learn is to practice. learning is practice, she spends many hours each day playing with words and creating new, unique content. content. Privately, she is passionate about photography and can't imagine life without books.

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