Why is it worth swimming? Benefits of swimming

Why is it worth swimming? Benefits of swimming

Swimming is a physical activity practised in water, which is a type of aerobic exercise, or aerobic training. It is a kind of sport that can be practised regardless of age, gender, body weight or condition. At the same time, swimming is a great form of relaxation that can positively affect both physical and mental health. What are the benefits of swimming? What does swimming give? How many calories can you burn while swimming?

What is swimming?

Swimming is one of the most popular forms of physical activity in the world, the roots of which date back to prehistoric times - the first drawings on activity in the water were found in Egypt and Libya and probably date back four thousand years. The first swimming competition was organized in Japan as early as 35 BC, while in 1896 swimming was officially recognized as a sports discipline.

Swimming is an effective whole body workout. This is a type of physical activity that can be practised properly throughout the year - in summer, exercises are worth practising on open water region, for example in lakes or seas, in winter, on closed swimming pools. This is a type of activity that engages the muscles of almost the entire body - during exercise, the muscles of the thighs, arms, back, abdomen, as well as the lower spine are stimulated. At the same time, movement in water can stabilize the spine and reduce joint stiffness, and thus relieve pain. Importantly, because water is a natural load and puts regular resistance to muscles, it does not contribute to the load on bones and joints. Therefore, swimming is a kind of exercise, which is not only a method of relaxation and a form of training, but also a comprehensive tool that can have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of a person.

Swimming - for who?

Movement in water is a physical activity that almost everyone can do. It is a great form of training for both children and adults, which can also positively affect the quality of life of older people. Exercises in water can be performed at any age, regardless of the goals - they can be an ideal alternative for both experienced athletes and people who care about recreational physical activity. It is also a great way to reduce pain in the spine among people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend long hours in front of the computer.

Regardless of the swimming technique practiced, an important advantage of this type of activity is the fact that swimming does not burden the joints, which is why it can be practised by both healthy people with full efficiency, as well as used as a form of rehabilitation after injuries (but only after consulting a doctor or physiotherapist). The style of swimming should be adapted to your own abilities, health and desired effects, because each type of movement in the water can involve slightly different muscle parts. What are the popular swimming styles?

Popular swimming styles

Swimming is a popular sport that requires some technical skills. There are many different swimming styles that can be used depending on your fancies and individual needs. The most popular form of swimming is front crawl, which is distinguished by symmetrical movements of the arms and legs, which in turn allows you to achieve significant speeds in the water. Another swimming technique, which is very popular among athletes, is back-style swimming, that is, on the back with hands laid over the head. This is a type of activity that is a great exercise for the back, especially recommended among people who have problems with the spine. A classic style is also often practised, commonly called a "frog", which can positively affect the chest, and to a slightly lesser extent, also the muscles of the back. An advanced swimming style that requires proper technique, strength and coordination of movement is the butterfly stroke, which engages both surface and deep muscles to work, it is primarily played by experienced players.

Recommended for swimmers

What does swimming give? Swimming - effects

Swimming is a form of fun, a way to cool the body on a hot day, as well as a kind of comprehensive and general physical activity that can positively affect the functioning of the human body, among others, can improve the condition of the body, motor coordination, as well as general health. Swimming is a kind of effort that can bring a number of health benefits and be a great form of post-traumatic rehabilitation. It is a discipline that can be practised all your life, regardless of age. What does swimming give? Why is it worth swimming? What are the benefits of swimming?

Swimming and respiratory system

Regular swimming training can improve the functioning of the respiratory system, including increasing lung capacity. The data obtained so far suggest that breathing in the aquatic environment can positively affect the work of the respiratory muscles, because greater resistance and pressure of water force the body to perform active exhalation, which requires strenuous work of the respiratory system and improves its work. Thus, movement in water can also be a good solution for asthmatics, because the humid and warm environment that prevails in the pool can relieve asthma symptoms.

Swimming and posture defects

Doing water sports can also have a positive effect on posture defects. How is that possible? Swimming does not burden the joints and spine, and at the same time it can reduce pressure on the spine and strengthen the postural muscles responsible for maintaining the right position of the body. Regular attendance at the swimming pool can help relieve back pain, reduce back pain and correct posture defects.

In addition, gentle water resistance can strengthen muscles while reducing the risk of overloading them. Therefore, swimming is often used as an element of rehabilitation or corrective gymnastics, as well as support in various types of injuries, but it is worth remembering, to consult your doctor or physiotherapist before practising physical activity in water.

The effect of movement in water on muscles and joints

Swimming can be both a sport and a form of relaxation. Regular visits to the swimming pool can have a positive effect on bone and joint structures, and can also improve joint mobility and promote the achievement of a sculpted figure. Physical activity in water allows many different muscle parts to work and can contribute to muscle strengthening, improving endurance, mobility and body condition, being a holistic approach to physical exercise. In addition, training in water can effectively relieve muscle pain, and thus can be an interesting form of active regeneration after intense exercise on land.

Swimming in the pool, as well as open water, is a form of physical activity that can positively affect the circulatory system, as well as muscles and joints. It is a physical effort that engages almost all muscle parts.

Physical activity in water and the immune system

Among the beneficial effects of swimming, it is also worth mentioning the impact of physical activity in water on the functioning of the immune system. Regular swimming can improve oxygenation and nutrition of tissues, and thus can have a positive effect on the work of the immune system, contributing to increasing immunity and reducing the risk of infection. In particular, swimming in cold water, or ice swimming, can have a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, but also classic swimming training at the swimming pool can significantly contribute to the improvement of immune functions.

Swimming and stress

The benefits of swimming include the impact of movement in water on mental health and reduction of stress levels. Physical activity allows the release of endorphins, colloquially called happiness hormones. Training in water also has a relaxing effect, allowing to relax tense muscles and improve well-being. The results of scientific research suggest that swimming can limit mood swings and reduce stress levels, and thus support human mental health.

Exercises in water and the circulatory system

Movement in water can also affect the functioning of the circulatory system. Swimming can strengthen the cardiovascular system and the heart, and what's more, it can lower blood pressure. The data obtained so far also suggest that water physical activity may cause an increase in the ejection capacity of the heart and reduce the risk of developing diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Swimming and cognitive functions

Regular physical activity in the water can have a positive effect on cognitive abilities, both among the elderly and among young adults. Scientific research reports that swimming can improve visual-motor processing as well as information processing and short-term memory performance, favourably affecting cognitive functions.

Why is it worth swimming? What are the benefits of swimming? Swimming is a type of physical activity that is also a form of relaxation. Swimming can have a positive effect on cognitive function, both among seniors and younger people, and can also improve the quality of life of older people.

Swimming and slimming - does swimming lose weight?

Although physical activity in water is a form of relaxation, it is also an effective method in the fight against extra kilograms. Swimming engages many muscle groups and thus can increase calorie burning and allow going through the reserves of fat stored in the body. In addition, due to the fact that water is denser than air and puts more resistance, the effort performed in water is greater than the exercises practised on land.

A common question among people who are considering swimming pool workouts is the issue of "swimming pool how many kcal?" which suggests that many recreational swimmers wonder, how many calories they can burn while moving in the water. The data obtained so far suggest that during intensive training, which lasts an hour, can burn up to 600 kcal. However, it is worth remembering that after leaving the swimming pool you can observe an increased feeling of hunger, which is why to achieve a slim figure, you should not only do physical activity, but also take care of a healthy and balanced diet.

How often to swim?

To observe the positive effects associated with physical activity practised in water, you should swim regularly. Using the swimming pool once a month can help relax the body, but it will not achieve the expected health benefits. However, water movement practised two or three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes can have a positive effect on human health. After a month of regular swimming, you can observe a slight improvement in condition and efficiency, and with each subsequent month of systematic exercises in the water, the benefits may be greater.

Scientific research suggests that swimming training may contribute to similar anthropometric results, as well as blood biomarkers, muscle strength or resting cardiovascular values, as other forms of aerobic physical exercise, such as running or cycling. Therefore, although swimming can only complement the right exercises and be combined with other sports, it can also be a form of independent and effective training.


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Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Master of dietetics, specialist in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy

Copywriter - dietitian. She completed her bachelor's degree in sports dietetics at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - at the UP in Poznań. She treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable tips, not rigorous regulations, that must be strictly followed. Privately, she is passionate about photography, which cannot imagine life without books.

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