Strong bones

Strong bones are very important because they are the scaffolding of the whole body. It is thanks to them that we can make every movement and function in the world around us.

To support bones, increase their power and endurance, it is worth paying attention to a healthy and balanced diet, as well as the importance of regular physical activity. There are also dietary supplements, which can support strong bones during periods of increased demand or when using a menu, which does not provide the body with all valuable nutrients.

Strong bones – why are they so important?

Strong bones are key – literally!

Bones are a type of connective tissue,which forms a rigid structure from various organic and inorganic components. They are elements of the skeletal system and are the scaffolding of the whole body.

Bone strength depends on the mineral density and quality of bone tissue. Peak bone mass is reached around the age of 30. Subsequently, a gradual decrease in bone density is observed, which in women further accelerates during menopause.

How to slow down the rate of bone demineralization? How to take care of bones, their hardness and strength to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, as well as skeletal defects and injuries?

Natural ways to strengthen your bones

Taking care of strong bones is worth starting with lifestyle changes. The most important is, of course, a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

Healthy diet and strong bones

Bones are an important store of calcium. Up to 99% of the element content in the body can be stored in bones and calcified tissues. Calcium can take care of bone density, as well as their hardness and strength. A good source of the element is milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt or butter.

Extremely important is also Vitamin D, which not only can improve the absorption and assimilation of calcium, but can also participate in the process of bone mineralization and development and maturation of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, vitamin D can strenghten bones and protect them before breaking. In addition, vitamin D can strengthen bones and protect them from fractures. Its source is the sun's rays and in the diet it can be found in fatty sea fish and seafood. In small amounts, it can also occur in eggs or milk.

Strong bones can also be favored by dietary components, such as:

  • Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, a good source of which are fatty sea fish,
  • Vitamin K, which can be found, in broccoli, spinach, asparagus or Brussels sprouts,
  • Vitamin C, the source of which is wild rose, acerola, quince, lemon, orange and tangerines,
  • Copper, which occurs in oatmeal, sesame seeds or yeast,
  • Magnesium – to provide the element to the body, it is worth including products such as cocoa, soy, walnuts or wholegrain bread in the daily menu,
  • Fluoride – its sources include cereal products, potatoes, nuts and leafy vegetables,
  • Zinc, which can be found in buckwheat, eggs, meat and pumpkin seeds,
  • Antioxidants, the richness of which are vegetables and fruit.

Physical activity and strong bones

Regular physical exercise can have a positive effect on the work of the whole body. It is no different in the case of bones.

The bone adapts its structure and mass to the mechanical loads acting on it. When we lead a sedentary lifestyle, the bones are immobilized and are not burdened, which can accelerate their demineralization and contribute to the weakening of their structure.

Therefore, regular physical activity, adapted to the capabilities of a person, is extremely valuable.

Other important aspects of everyday life, which can affect strong bones

To increase peak bone mass, as well as slow down the processes of its demineralization and ensure strong bones, it is also worth:

  • Give up smoking – Smoking can reduce bone strength, lower bone mass and also increase the risk of developing diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
  • Limit the consumption of strong coffee and tea – in excessive amounts, these drinks may contribute to the leaching of valuable elements from the body, i.a. magnesium, which is important for the proper condition of the skeleton,
  • Reduce alcohol consumption – It is well known that alcohol is bad for your health, but did you know that it can also weaken your bones and increase the risk of bone fractures?

Dietary supplements, which can strengthen bones

Dietary supplements can strengthen bones by providing the body with important nutrients, the demand for which is not covered with the daily diet or at the time of increased demand of the body for given substances.

In addition, preparations can support bone regeneration after all kinds of damage and fractures and have a positive effect on the process of their growth. Preventive dietary supplements can also protect bones from injuries and contribute to their strengthening.

Therefore, it is worth considering the inclusion in the daily diet of preparations rich in:

  • Vitamin D – supplementation with vitamin D may have a positive effect on calcium and phosphorus homeostasis in the body. This compound can increase the intestinal absorption of elements and retain them in the bones and thus can directly affect bone mineral density.
  • Vitamin K2 – which may be necessary for the proper functioning of the skeletal system. It can affect the maintenance of adequate bone mineral density and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. It can also participate in the transport of calcium to bone tissue and increase bone resistance to fractures.
  • Calcium, which can be a very important building material for bones. Calcium can affect bone hardness and strength and dietary deficiency can contribute to a decrease in bone mineral density and weakness.
  • Chondroitin, i.e. a chemical compound, which is formed from residues of glucuronic acid and N-acetylgalactosamine. It is a substance, which can eliminate the feeling of friction between joint surfaces and thus can support the proper functioning of joints. In addition, chondroitin can also increase bone strength and efficiency and also affect the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Glucosamine a substance, which can support articular cartilage and their proper functioning, and can also play an important role in building bones and the skeletal system.
  • MSM or methylsulfonylmethane- an organic sulfur compound, which can participate in the synthesis of collagen and increase bone mineral density.
  • Collagen - disorders of its synthesis can cause decalcification of the bone skeleton, and thus increase bone fragility and their susceptibility to fractures. Collagen is one of the substances, which can be a building material of the skeletal system.

To support strong bones, it is also worth considering taking dietary supplements rich in manganese, copper, vitamin C or hyaluronic acid.

When is it worth using dietary supplements for strong bones?

Complex preparations for strong bones or individual elements or compounds, which can have a positive effect on the skeletal system should be used if the daily menu does not cover the demand for these ingredients or in the case of increased demand for given compounds, e.g. among athletes who perform intense physical effort and are exposed to injuries or injuries, both joints and bones.

Increased demand for certain nutrients, e.g. calcium, can also be observed among menopausal women. Then the risk of osteoporosis may increase, because the ovaries produce less and less estrogen, i.e. hormones that can affect bone metabolism. When they are missing, bone mass may decrease and thus bone tissue cohesion disorders may be disturbed and their susceptibility to fractures may increase.

Therefore, it is worth using a healthy diet, regular physical activity and bone strengthening preparations to reduce the risk of injuries and fractures and to support the proper functioning of the skeletal system.

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