Magnesium is a chemical element whose proper supply is necessary for the optimal work of the human body. Although the excess of the mineral component in the body seems to be a rare phenomenon, more and more people without consulting a doctor reach for dietary supplements with magnesium, which, taken in too large quantities, can contribute to the occurrence of undesirable symptoms. What is the normal level of magnesium in the blood? Can magnesium be overdosed? What are the symptoms of excess magnesium in the body? Magnesium side effects - what causes excess element in the body?
What is hypermagnesaemia?
Magnesium is a macroelement of special biological importance, sometimes called the element of life, which plays important roles in the human body, contributing to the proper functioning of the body. It is the mineral involved in neuromuscular conduction that can also reduce platelet aggregation while protecting cells from oxidative stress. Moreover, the compound can be involved in the release of neurotransmitters, as well as in the regulation of blood pressure and the synthesis of DNA and RNA.
Magnesium deficiency is common in the population,but among some people it is also possible to encounter an excess of the element in the body, which is referred to as hypermagnesaemia. Analyses conducted so far indicate that an excess of the component in the body can be observed when the concentration of magnesium in the blood exceeds 1.2 mmol/L. It is also worth knowing that, just as an inadequate supply of the element to the body, an excess of the magnesium can contribute to the occurrence of undesirable symptoms and phenomena, so it is worth taking care to maintain an optimal level of the element in the body, remembering that the norm of the magnesium in the blood should oscillate at 0.70-1.20 mmol/l.
Causes of magnesium excess
Physiologically, among healthy people, magnesium supplied to the body is absorbed in the digestive tract, then removed by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. Among people whose kidneys work properly, it is rare to observe too high levels of the magnesium in the body, but it is possible, among others, as a result of improper intake of drugs and dietary supplements rich in the valuable mineral.
The causes of excessive magnesium in the blood can also include some diseases, such as:
- acute or chronic renal failure,
- hypothyroidism,
- adrenal insufficiency.
Too high magnesium levels can also occur among the elderly, as well as among consumers who long-term take painkillers, laxatives or antacids. The hypermagnesaemia may also affect patients taking psychotropic drugs and preparations containing lithium salts. In addition, due to the fact that most of the element in the human body is found in cells, high magnesium in the blood can sometimes also affect people, among whom there is a significant breakdown of cells, e.g. during increased hemolysis.
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Can magnesium be overdosed?
Magnesium in tablets is willingly used by consumers, for example by people struggling with muscle cramps, as well as by athletes. However, it is worth knowing that it is possible to overdose on magnesium, which may be associated with the occurrence of undesirable side effects. Therefore, taking preparations with the magnesium should always be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations placed on the packaging of the selected product, and among people struggling with the above-mentioned disease entities - under the supervision of a doctor.
Excess magnesium - symptoms
The mild hypermagnesaemia may be asymptomatic, while in the case of a significant increase in the concentration of the magnesium in the body, the degree of intensity of symptoms may depend on the individual predisposition of the body, as well as the amount of the element in the body.
Symptoms of high levels of the magnesium in the blood may be nonspecific and may affect various organs, leading to:
- lowering of blood pressure (hypotension),
- disorders of neuromuscular conduction, and thus to muscle weakness and muscle reflexes,
- breathing disorders,
- cardiac arrhythmias and bradycardia
- tingling and redness of the face,
- urinary retention,
- chest pain,
- dizziness, nausea and vomiting,
- slowing down the work of the intestines and severe constipation.
In extreme cases, which can most often be observed among people also struggling with other diseases, the deep hypermagnesaemia can lead to coma, and can also cause cardiac arrest.
How to remove excess magnesium?
If hypermagnesaemia is suspected, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will order appropriate blood and urine tests, checking, among others, the level of electrolytes in the body or kidney parameters. In order to remove excess of the magnesium from the body, it is necessary to first find the etiology of the disease, and then choose the appropriate therapeutic method.
In the case of too high magnesium levels in the body, associated with excessive supplementation, it is recommended to discontinue taking preparations with the magnesium. In addition, each time it is advisable to gradually reduce the content of the element in the body, which is most often carried out by the use of diuretics. In serious situations, such as during arrhythmia or during breathing disorders, intravenous supply of calcium compounds may be indicated. In severe cases, dialysis may also be a helpful solution, enabling the fastest removal of excess magnesium from the human body.

Principles of safe magnesium supplementation
Among healthy people who think they may be struggling with magnesium deficiency, it is usually recommended to consult a doctor and perform appropriate blood tests that can confirm this hypothesis. It is not recommended to unjustified magnesium supplementation, so as not to lead to excessive concentration of the element in the body.
It is also worth remembering that the best method of safe use of magnesium is to provide the macroelement to the human body with the help of a daily menu, rich in valuable sources of the element. Thus, the best solution seems to be a balanced diet, containing, among others, green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, nuts and seeds, as well as whole grains and cocoa.
Among consumers with a confirmed deficiency of the ingredient, as well as among people distinguished by increased demand for magnesium, dietary supplements with magnesium may be a support, but it is worth remembering to always reach only for proven high-quality products that allow the delivery of the desired compound to the body without unnecessary additives and fillers. Thus, consumers who care about safe magnesium supplementation can reach for magnesium from OstroVit, which is characterized by an attractive price-quality ratio and the presence of the most absorbable forms of the element. However, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer's recommendations placed on the packaging and not to exceed the recommended portions of the product.
To ensure safe magnesium supplementation, it is worth supplying the mineral component to the body during a meal, maintaining the appropriate proportions of calcium and magnesium. It may also be helpful to take magnesium along with vitamin B6, for example by using the product OstroVit Mg + B6 90 tablets, which results from the fact that pyridoxine can have a beneficial effect on the absorption and transport of the macroelement to cells.
Too much magnesium - what to do to avoid hypermagnesaemia?
In order not to lead to an excessive supply of the magnesium and the occurrence of undesirable side effects associated with the supply of the macroelement to the body, it is worth using a healthy and balanced diet that ensures an adequate supply of all important macro-and micronutrients. The menu should also take care of the right ratio of calcium to magnesium, which is due to the fact that excess calcium can inhibit the absorption of magnesium in the body.
In addition, in order to prevent hypermagnesaemia, it is worth performing appropriate tests and consulting a doctor before starting to take dietary supplements containing the element to assess the need for magnesium supplementation and properly adjust the portion of the preparation to the individual needs of the consumer. When deciding to use magnesium products, should pay attention to the daily need of the body for the ingredient, making sure not to exceed the daily needs of the body and the recommended amount of the product.
To avoid excess of magnesium in the body, it is also worth taking care of the proper functioning of the kidneys, which are responsible for removing excessive amounts of the element from the body. Moreover, the labels and leaflets of medicines and pharmaceuticals used should be read carefully, as some compounds may cause undesirable interactions, negatively affecting the concentration of magnesium in the blood.