Shaping muscle mass is a long-term process that does not depend solely on the frequency and intensity of training, although regular physical exercise is extremely important when building muscle. However, proper diet and regeneration also affect the development of muscle mass, and dietary supplements that intensify anabolic reactions may also be helpful when increasing body weight. What is building muscle mass and how to effectively build muscle mass? What affects muscle growth and how to accelerate muscle growth?
- What is building muscle mass?
- How to increase muscle mass? - The importance of diet during the development of muscle mass
- Diet for mass - exemplary meals
- How to build muscle mass? - The role of physical activity during muscle shaping
- How to build muscle at home?
- How to quickly build muscle mass? - The effect of supplementation on the development of mass
- Building muscle mass - the role of regeneration in increasing body weight
- How long does it take to build muscle?
What is building muscle mass?
When increasing muscle mass, you should focus on the metabolic processes of the body, among which you can distinguish two types of reactions, namely anabolic and catabolic reactions. When considering how to increase muscle mass, you should focus on intensifying anabolic processes in the body, while limiting catabolic reactions. What does that mean specifically?
Anabolism is a process of synthesis, or reactions, during which complex organic compounds are formed from simple compounds. The course of anabolic processes in the body requires energy, while catabolism, which consists in the breakdown of larger molecules into smaller compounds, proceeds while releasing energy. During the period of growth and development of the organism, in the body anabolic processes prevail, but with age, catabolic reactions intensify. When increasing muscle mass, you should ensure that the anabolism prevails over the catabolism, which will allow you to increase strength and mass. How do we do that?
How to increase muscle mass? - The importance of diet during the development of muscle mass
When planning to build up muscles, firstly it is worth paying attention to the daily menu. In order to increase muscle mass, it is necessary to include in the diet a caloric surplus, as well as pay attention to the appropriate supply of valuable macro-and micronutrients.
Knowing your energy needs, which can be easily calculated on your own, you should take into account the appropriate energy surplus in your diet - in accordance with nutritional recommendations, the diet should provide about 10-15% more energy of the body than the basic caloric demand. However, it is not enough to increase the consumption of individual products or binge on unhealthy, high-calorie snacks, because such action can only contribute to the deposition of fat and cause excess body fat. Therefore, when using a diet for muscle mass, it is worth paying attention to a healthy and balanced menu, rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains products, milk and dairy products, and legumes, lean meat and healthy fats.
An adequate supply of valuable macronutrients may also be extremely important when building muscle mass. It is important above all to increase the share of protein in the daily diet, which is a building component in the human body and can intensify anabolic reactions occurring in the body, as well as inhibit catabolic processes. According to scientific data, during build up muscles, it is necessary to include in the menu 1.4-2.0 g of protein/kg of body weight/day. However, it is worth remembering that proteins in the diet should come from various sources - in the daily menu, to be considered protein sources such as cereal products, legumes, as well as vegetables, lean meat, milk or dairy products.
Look also: What has a lot of protein? The best sources of protein in your diet!
In addition, you should not forget about carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy in the human body and can support the replenishment of glycogen stores in the body. In the diet for muscle mass, it is worth paying attention primarily to complex carbohydrates, derived from whole grain cereal products or legumes. Also, do not forget about vegetables and fruits, which are not only a source of carbohydrates, but also contain vitamins and minerals.
When building muscle mass, it is also worth remembering about healthy fats - in the diet you should take into account primarily monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids from the omega group, which may have anti-inflammatory effects and may additionally intensify the synthesis of anabolic hormones. Sources of healthy fatty acids include fatty sea fish, nuts and seeds, as well as peanut butter or vegetable oils, such as rapeseed oil, sunflower oil or olive oil.
It is also extremely important to properly hydrate the body and provide valuable vitamins and minerals with the menu - because during physical exercise the body loses significant amounts of water and electrolytes, it is important to remember to replenish fluids and essential micronutrients both before and during or after physical activity.
Recommended products supporting the build up of muscle mass
Diet for mass - exemplary meals
When build up of muscle mass, it is worth to pay attention that the meals consumed are healthy, filling and balanced. What dishes should be included in the menu for muscle mass? A good solution may be to include in the diet dishes such as:
- whole-grain bread with cottage cheese, chives and radishes,
- omelette with banana and peanut butter,
- scrambled eggs with vegetables,
- salad with grilled chicken, pumpkin seeds and fresh vegetables,
- homemade cereal bars,
- roasted chicken breast with brown rice, peas and carrots,
- whole-grain bread with lentil pate and grated beets.
How to build muscle mass? - The role of physical activity during muscle shaping
A balanced and healthy diet is an important element in the development of muscle mass. Another very important aspect is the right training plan. The best type of activity that promotes the increase of muscle mass is strength training or resistance training, which includes exercises such as deadlift, barbell squeezing or squats with a load. It is worth including multi-joint exercises in the activity plan, which involve many muscle fibers, as well as aerobic training or cardio exercises that can promote fat reduction.
And although training for muscle mass should be individually tailored to the needs of the athlete and his capabilities, any physical effort that is aimed at developing body weight should take into account the appropriate load, because the regular subjecting of muscles to overload, allows them to increase their volume and strength. In training for muscle mass, the number of repetitions and series is also important, which, like the load, should be tailored to the capabilities of the person performing the physical exercise.
How to build muscle at home?
People who care about the development of muscle mass usually direct their steps towards the gym. And no wonder, a space full of professional equipment and experienced trainers, as well as other enthusiasts of a healthy lifestyle certainly is a good place to train and shape your dream figure. However, not everyone wants or can afford to use the advantages of the gym. And then the question arises - is it possible and how to build muscles at home?
Contrary to appearances, increasing muscle mass at home is possible and does not require the purchase of professional equipment. However, it is necessary to devise a training plan well, taking into account adequately high load, as well as the right number of repetitions and series. It is important to systematically increase the load and the correct technique for performing exercises. And equipment? Beginners who are just starting their adventure with strength training can successfully use the weight of their own body to perform effective activities, and then use home alternatives to professional equipment, e.g. from water bottles, or stock up on basic equipment, such as a set of dumbbells or resistance bands. During training at home, it is important to have the right motivation and determination - during the exercises do not forget what the purpose of your actions is!
Learn more: Strength training at home - build your muscles without the gym
How to quickly build muscle mass? - The effect of supplementation on the development of mass
Diet and training are key elements of increasing muscle mass, but proper supplementation can also be helpful in achieving the desired results. Among the supplements for mass, which can be a support during the muscle building process, you can distinguish preparations such as protein supplements, which are most often based on whey protein, and sometimes also on casein or beef protein, as well as protein-carbohydrate supplements. These are preparations that can be helpful when the daily diet does not provide the right amount of valuable macronutrients to the body. In addition, support during the build of muscle mass may also be dietary supplements, which may, among others, intensify anabolic reactions and inhibit catabolism in the body. Valuable and well-studied compounds, which are worth paying attention to during the shaping of muscle mass, include, for example, creatine, branched chain amino acids BCAA, as well as ZMA or HMB.
However, it is worth remembering that the use of supplements for mass will not make your muscles grow on their own. It is crucial to take into account several important factors in everyday life - proper diet, tailored workouts and tested supplements that can positively affect muscle growth. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the very important and often overlooked aspect of shaping the figure, namely regeneration.
Building muscle mass - the role of regeneration in increasing body weight
Training loads promote the feeling of tiredness and fatigue, and also cause a decrease in concentration and difficulty falling asleep. Thus, they can contribute to the reduction of strength and efficiency of the body, and this can make it difficult to achieve the desired results and shape the figure.
Regeneration is extremely important for maintaining the advantage of anabolic reactions in the body. Importantly, it is during rest, and not during exercise, muscles grow. As if that were not enough, proper regeneration promotes the reconstruction of energy resources that are necessary to perform further physical activities and allows the repair of microdamages of muscle tissue, and also prevents overtraining of the body. One of the key aspects of regeneration is sleep, which allows rebuilding damaged muscle fibres, and also allows regaining strength and motivation to act.

How long does it take to build muscle?
Muscle building is a slow process that takes time, patience, and perseverance. Beginners can expect their first results faster than advanced players, which is due to the fact that starting to perform intense physical activities is a new stressor for muscles.
It is widely recognized that the optimal increase in muscle mass is about 0.5 -1.0 kg of body weight per month, but the exact rate of increasing muscle mass is really an individual matter, which depends on both genetic predisposition and external factors, such as diet, training, regeneration and supplementation. In addition, the age of the player is also important - building muscle mass after 40 is definitely more difficult than building muscle mass after 30, which results from the fact that the body's response to strength or resistance training is getting weaker with age. However, although anabolic processes in older people occur much slower, the development of muscle mass is also possible, and regular physical activity is most advisable.
Therefore, if you want to achieve the desired results as soon as possible, approach the development of muscle mass holistically - use a healthy, balanced and appropriate diet, create an optimal training plan and perform regular physical exercise, and also include proper supplementation in the menu and do not forget about the importance of sleep and regeneration! Be persistent, patient and determined, and in case of any doubts, consult a specialist - a qualified dietitian or personal trainer.