Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that may have a positive effect in the appearance of skin, hair and nails. What is biotin in? What are the properties of biotin?
Iron supports the proper production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and also supports the proper transport of oxygen in the body. Where is the most iron?
Calcium is a macroelement, which is one of the most important minerals found in the human body. What is calcium in? What are the properties of calcium?
On the market there are available various forms of zinc - chelated zinc, zinc gluconate, zinc picolinate, etc. What are the differences between the individual compounds and what zinc is the most assimilable?
Iron deficiency results, among others, from the use of an incorrect diet, rich in substances that limit the assimilation of the element and reduce its absorption. What flushes iron out of the body?
Adequate supply of calcium is extremely important, and both the excess and deficiency of this macroelement can interfere with the body's work. Is excess calcium harmful?
Hypervitaminosis is an excess of vitamins in the human body, which can result in the occurrence of undesirable symptoms. What are the consequences of hypervitaminosis?