Choline - properties, effects and symptoms of deficiency

Choline - properties, effects and symptoms of deficiency

Choline, also called vitamin B4, is a relatively little-known water-soluble substance that plays an important role in digestive and cleansing processes in the liver, as well as supports the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. In the human body, it occurs mainly in the form of phospholipid compounds. What properties does choline have, what is it in and can the human body synthesize it on its own? What are the symptoms and effects of deficiency of this substance?

Choline - what is it?

Choline is an organic chemical compound classified as a vitamin-like substance due to its significant biological importance. Although it is called vitamin B4, it is no longer classified as a B vitamin and a nutrient similar to amino acids. It is most often found in the form of choline chloride. It is in the form of a crystalline, colourless or slightly white substance. It is highly soluble in water and has hygroscopic properties.

Choline was first isolated by German chemist Adolph Strecker in 1862. He observed that this compound is quite widespread in both the plant and animal worlds. It occurs partly in free form, but mostly in bound form, as a component of choline phospholipids.

Vitamin B4 can be synthesized by the human body in small amounts - can be formed with the participation of N-methylethanolamine in the liver. However, this process does not cover the daily demand for this compound, so choline must be supplied from the outside with a daily diet or in the form of supplements.

Choline - properties and action

Wondering what role choline plays in the body, need to know that this compound has a variety of functions. As acetylcholine, it is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, while as phosphatidylcholine it participates in the construction of cell membranes. In addition, vitamin B4 can have a positive effect on brain function and prevent the degradation of liver cells under oxidative stress.

The most popular forms of choline include:

  • choline bitartrate - is a combination of one molecule of choline and tartaric acid; this compound is a precursor of trimethylglycine (TMG),
  • DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) - is a substance that is structurally very similar to choline; however, vitamin B4 has three methyl groups, while DMAE only has two,
  • choline alfoscerate (Alpha GPC) - is a form of choline, which is a precursor of phosphatidylcholine and at the same time a support of choline in the central nervous system,
  • choline CDP (cytocolin) - nucleotide and intermediate at the time of phosphatidylcholine synthesis, which plays a leading role in the synthesis and reconstruction of cell membranes.

Recommended products with choline

Choline and liver - support for fat metabolism

Vitamin B4 is involved in the production of lecithin - phospholipid, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and regulating the work of the liver. It plays an important role in the digestive and cleansing processes taking place in this organ. Choline deficiency can contribute to the excessive accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver, and thus increase the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. As a consequence, chronic inflammation can develop in the organ, and can occur even fibrosis and insufficiency.

Choline and mental health

Vitamin B4 can support the proper functioning of the nervous system. It is the compound necessary for the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, which is synthesized in cholinergic neurons. Thus, choline can reduce some symptoms of depression, improve memory and contribute to the improvement of mental well-being.

Choline and weight reduction

Research suggests that choline supplementation may be helpful in maintaining a healthy body weight and in reducing the BMI index. Other data show that vitamin B4 deficiency in the daily diet can contribute to weight gain and waist-to-hip ratio. Experiments conducted on animals confirmed the possible potential impact of choline on the process of weight loss by supporting the function of mitochondria and more efficient fat burning.

Choline - where does it occur? Choline sources in the diet

Choline is the compound found mainly in food of animal origin. The foods that contain the highest amounts of vitamin B4 include liver and offal.

Other sources of choline are:

  • eggs,
  • yeasts,
  • fishes,
  • kale,
  • broccoli,
  • brussels sprouts,
  • wheat germ,
  • almonds,
  • legumes.

When considering where choline occurs, it is worth knowing that plant foods such as nuts or green leafy vegetables contain only small amounts of vitamin B4. Therefore, people who follow diets that eliminate animal products may have problems maintaining adequate choline levels.

Choline deficiency - symptoms and effects

The most common cause of choline deficiency is a poorly balanced diet. Vitamin B4 is found primarily in animal products such as meat, fish and eggs. People who do not eat enough of these foods are at risk of deficiency of this substance. Proper metabolism and absorption of choline can also affect kidney problems, genetic predisposition, stress and alcohol abuse.

The most common symptoms of choline deficiency are:

  • headaches,
  • mood disorder,
  • memory and concentration impairment,
  • liver problems,
  • constipation,
  • muscle and joint pain.

Choline deficiency is dangerous especially in pregnant women. Insufficient levels of this substance in pregnant women can increase the risk of defects in the central nervous system of the fetus, as well as contribute to the appearance of intellectual development disorders in the later life of the child. Due to choline deficiency, the risk of miscarriage or premature birth also increases.

A man suffers from headaches and memory impairment, struggling with choline deficiency.

The best choline from OstroVit

Choline is the substance that in small amounts can be naturally synthesized in the human body. However, they are not enough to cover the daily needs of the body for this ingredient. Therefore, vitamin B4 must be supplied to the body with daily food or through its supplementation.

Choline supplementation is recommended especially for seniors, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as people who regularly consume higher amounts of alcohol. According to the recommendations of the Institute of Food and Nutrition, the daily intake of choline should be from 150 mg to 550 mg, while the demand for this component depends on gender, age and physiological condition.

The standards for choline demand are as follows:

  • infants aged 6 to 11 months - 125 mg
  • children aged between 1 and 3 years - 200 mg
  • children between 4 and 9 years of age - 250 mg,
  • boys aged between 10 and 18 years - from 375 to 550 mg,
  • girls aged between 10 and 18 years - from 375 to 400 mg,
  • adult men - 550 mg,
  • pregnant women - 450 mg,
  • breastfeeding women - 550 mg.

People who are at risk for choline deficiency may consider using dietary supplements with this ingredient. In preparations, this compound is most often available in the form of bitartrate obtained from eggs or fish meat. In addition to choline powder with a natural flavour, it is worth paying attention to the supplement Choline + Inositol in the form of tablets, in the composition of which, in addition to vitamin B4, was inositol – nutrient in terms of chemistry similar to polyols. This combination of two valuable substances can help you achieve much better results.

Side effects of using choline

Despite the fact that choline is the important component of the daily diet, it is not recommended to use supplements with this compound without first consulting a doctor or pharmacist. The upper limit of consumption of this substance is considered to be 3500 mg per day. Excessive intake of choline can contribute to the occurrence of undesirable side effects such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.


Justyna Kąkol

Justyna Kąkol

Master of European Studies

Graduate of licentiate studies in Polish philology at the University of Rzeszow and master studies in European studies at the University of Warsaw. For more than 10 years she has been creating substantive content from the scope of health, dietetics and medicine. Passionate about a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and a rational approach to diet. In her free time, she is most likely to prepare tasty, nutritious food and spend time with her family.

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