Flaxseed - what does it help with? Properties and effects of flaxseed

Flaxseed - what does it help with? Properties and effects of flaxseed

Flaxseed is small size seeds that can have a positive effect on the functioning of the human body. The analyses carried out so far indicate that flaxseeds can support the work of the digestive system, while positively affecting the cardiovascular system and the body's immunity. The latest research also suggests that eating flaxseed may support the process of weight loss, favourably affecting the condition of the skin and hair, which makes that whole grains of flax enjoy growing popularity among consumers, who care about a healthy and valuable variety of the menu. What is good flaxseed for? What properties do flaxseeds have? Can flaxseed be eaten raw? Flaxseed - how to drink?

Flaxseed - what is it?

Linseed, or flaxseeds, are flat seeds, reaching 2-3 mm in size, which are characterized by a brown, slightly golden colour. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, which has been used by man for centuries, serving, among others, as food or an ingredient for the production of oil and fibres.

Linum usitatissimum L. is a plant from the flax family, which is an annual perennial reaching about 0.6 m in height. It is a perennial native to the Middle East, which is now rarely found in the wild and is primarily a cultivated plant. It is a representative of the flora, characterized by an erect stem and single, lanceolate leaves, which during flowering is decorated with intensely blue flowers. The fruits of the plant are five-chamber seed bags, in which can be found flattened, oily seeds, distinguished by a crispy consistency and a slightly nutty and mild taste.

Flaxseed – composition and nutritional value

Flaxseed is the product distinguished by high energy, which in 100 g contains about 530 kcal. At the same time, flaxseeds contain valuable nutrients, providing the body with essential omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which accounts for about 40-60% all fatty acids found in flaxseed. In addition, the product can also find significant amounts of lignins, included in the group of phytoestrogens, as well as antioxidants, such as ferulic acid, gallic acid or glucosides of p-coumaric acid.

As if that were not enough, flaxseed is rich in dietary fibre, containing both soluble dietary fibre and insoluble fibre, and also provides the body with many vitamins and minerals, being a source of substances, such as:

  • vitamin E,
  • B vitamins, including folic acid,
  • phosphorous,
  • potassium,
  • magnesium,
  • calcium.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that flaxseed is distinguished by a rich amino acid composition and although flax seeds are considered a non-complete protein, which is characterized by a low content of lysine, the product contains, among others arginine, glycine, leucine or aspartic acid.

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Flaxseed - what does it help for?

Flaxseed is characterized by an abundance of valuable compounds, which makes flax seeds have versatile properties, while being distinguished by a centuries-old tradition. In the past, flaxseed was used primarily as a support in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and current data indicate that flax seeds can also support other systems of the human body, finding use also in cosmetics. What is flaxseed good for?

Flaxseed for stomach - natural support for the digestive system

Observations carried out so far indicate that flaxseed may have a beneficial effect on the stomach, protecting the gastric mucosa and at the same time soothing its irritation. Drinking flaxseed consumed on an empty stomach or before a meal can create a protective barrier for the stomach walls, covering them with a characteristic mucus and protecting them from direct contact with the food content, which can sometimes irritate the mucous membrane.

The above properties make flax seeds often used as a support in gastritis. In addition, it is assumed that flaxseed jelly can relieve abdominal pain occurring among people struggling with ulcers or erosions.

Is flaxseed good for the intestines? Digestion support

Due to the high content of dietary fibre, flaxseed can have a positive effect on the work of the intestines, supporting their proper peristalsis and helping with natural defecation. Because flax seeds contain soluble and insoluble fibre fractions, flaxseed for diarrhea can be just as helpful as flaxseed use for constipation, which can relieve unwanted symptoms by promoting bowel control.

Particularly valuable support may be flaxseed jelly on the intestines, also supporting the therapy of ulcerative colitis, by reducing inflammation, as well as alleviating the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), by minimizing bloating or as a result of reducing pain and its intensity.

Flaxseed for throat and cough - soothing irritation

Although flax seeds are most often used to support the proper functioning of the digestive system, the data obtained so far indicate that the gel consistency of the infusion of flaxseed can also be helpful during colds.

Flaxseed for cough is a homemade method of relieving the cough reflex, working by forming a dense and adhesive substance that can cling the walls of the nasal cavity, creating a coating of mucus on it. Flaxseed can also have a similar effect on the throat, coating the mucous membrane and soothing throat irritation and accelerating the healing process.

Flaxseed for reflux

The results of the analysis indicate that flax seeds can be used as a method to relieve reflux caused by an irritant factor, which is considered acidic food content going back from the stomach to the esophagus.

Flaxseed for reflux can neutralize excess gastric acid, and can also contribute to the formation of adhesive substance, which can be a kind of protective barrier, preventing the throwback of the food content, at the same time, contributing to the alleviation of undesirable symptoms.

Flaxseed for weight loss

Recent scientific studies indicate that flax seeds can provide valuable support during weight reduction, facilitating the process of weight loss.

The beneficial effect of the product on the reduction of unnecessary kilograms may be the result of the presence of dietary fibre and valuable lignins in flaxseed, which are substances that can contribute to increasing the feeling of satiety and fullness, it also helps control appetite. In addition, flax seeds can slow down gastric emptying, supporting the process of weight loss, especially among people struggling with overweight or obesity.

Flaxseed - properties

The analyses carried out so far suggest that flaxseed may also:

  • promote the reduction of LDL cholesterol in the blood and the reduction of total cholesterol in the blood serum;
  • improve lipid profile among people struggling with hyperlipidemia;
  • contribute to the reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure;
  • lower blood glucose levels;
  • favorably affect the body's immunity, supporting the work of the immune system;
  • support optimal liver function;
  • has a beneficial effect on the hormonal balance, especially among perimenopausal women, promoting the reduction of undesirable symptoms of menopause and among women struggling with infertility, promoting regular ovulation and positively affecting the length of the luteal phase.
Flax seed and flax flowers are a valuable source of valuable nutrients.

Flaxseed for skin and hair – natural cosmetic

Flaxseed is increasingly used also as a natural cosmetic, which can have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, acting both from the outside and from the inside.

The analyses indicate that oil seeds of flax can improve skin sensitivity, at the same time increasing its hydration and smoothness, as well as contributing to the reduction of skin roughness and reduction of its peeling. Flaxseed can also have anti-inflammatory potential, delaying the natural aging process, and can also regulate the secretion of sebum through the scalp, thereby reducing greasy hair and can relieve scalp itching, as well as, accelerating hair growth. A number of valuable properties make the product willingly used as a compound for the face or hair, constituting an ingredient:

  • moisturizing and anti-inflammatory masks,
  • scrubs,
  • creams for skin care,
  • hair conditioner,
  • hair rinses, hair mists and hair masks.

What's more, flax seeds can also be used during body care, during soothing or moisturizing baths, which also promote relaxation of the whole body.

How to consume flaxseed? Best ways and tips

Flaxseed contains many valuable nutrients, which means that the product can have multifaceted effects, supporting the optimal functioning of the human body. Flax seeds can be delivered to the body both in the form of whole grains and in ground form, using the product to prepare jelly or infusion and also using seeds as an addition to various types of dishes.

Flax seeds are widely available for sale, and flaxseed can be found both in popular discount stores, as well as in health food stores or pharmacies. What's more, the product is distinguished by its low price, which makes many consumers willingly to reach for flaxseed, referred to as native chia seeds.

Ground flaxseed or whole flaxseed? Which is better?

On the store shelves can be found both flaxseed in grains and ground flaxseed, however, wondering which form of flax seeds is better, it is advisable to choose the whole product, as long-term storage of flaxseed in ground form can contribute to oxidation of the valuable fatty acids present in it, which can adversely affect the nutritional value of the product.

Using flax seeds in the daily diet, it is worth paying attention to the fact that valuable compounds present in the product are more easily absorbed from the ground form of flaxseed than from whole grains, therefore, it is recommended to grind a small portion of flax seeds immediately before consumption.

How to eat flaxseed in grains? Ideas for daily meals

Flaxseed can be successfully eaten raw. The available types of flaxseed in grains can be used, among others, as a valuable addition to everyday meals. Flaxseed can be a valuable supplement, among others:

  • oatmeal,
  • yogurt,
  • muesli,

the product can also be used as an additive to:

  • breads,
  • salad,
  • pastries,
  • cocktails.

In addition, because flaxseed is a valuable thickening substance, the product can be successfully used as an egg substitute, among vegans or in a group of people who limit egg consumption due to cholesterol.

How to drink flaxseed? Jelly, infusions, smoothie

Great popularity among consumers have jelly from flaxseed, the preparation of which is banally simple. To create a suspension from flax seeds, it is needed to grind 1-2 tablespoons of the product, and then pour them with hot, but not boiling water. Next, it is recommended to cover the drink and leave the seeds of flaxseed to swell for about 15 minutes. Prepared jelly should be drunk or eaten with a teaspoon (depending on the consistency of the infusion obtained).

Because some people may be disturbed by the little pronounced taste of flax seeds, it may be a good solution to use the addition of honey or your favourite fruits for the prepared infusion. The taste of the product may also be positively influenced by the use of flaxseed seeds as an addition to a smoothie or cocktail.

Many consumers wonder if flaxseed can be drunk at night. The data obtained so far indicate that the time of taking flax seeds is a matter of individual needs of the user. Flaxseed jelly on an empty stomach can be a good solution among people who care about supporting the work of the digestive system, in turn, an infusion of flax seeds consumed before bedtime can relieve nighttime cough attacks among cold consumers.

How to consume flaxseed? Flax seeds can be used as an addition to daily meals, such as oatmeal.

How to store flaxseed?

Flaxseed can be stored at room temperature for up to 10 months, although the product can also be successfully kept in the fridge or freezer.

A good solution seems to be to store flax seeds in tightly closed packages in shady places, deprived of access to sunlight, which can reduce the risk of oxidation of valuable omega 3 fatty acids present in the product, favourably affecting the nutritional value of seeds.

Summary: why should you include flaxseed in your daily diet?

Flaxseed can have a number of valuable properties, being a widely available and cheap product that is appreciated among a wide circle of consumers. Flax seeds can have a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract, while strengthening the immune system. The product can also support the circulatory system, promote the maintenance of physiological balance of the body and positively affect the process of weight reduction.

Many consumers wonder how to consume flaxseed, but a product with a multidirectional effect on the functioning of the human body also has a versatile use. Thus, whole flax seeds can be used for baking bread, as well as an addition to oatmeal or cocktails. Ground flaxseed can also be successfully used for the production of jelly or infusion, which can, among others, have a positive effect on the feeling of satiety, and also used as a home cosmetic preparation for skin and hair care.


  1. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4375225/
  2. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4152533/
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31130604/
  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21802266/
  5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28635182/
Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Master of dietetics, specialist in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy

Copywriter - dietitian. She completed her bachelor's degree in sports dietetics at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - at the UP in Poznań. She treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable tips, not rigorous regulations, that must be strictly followed. Privately, she is passionate about photography, which cannot imagine life without books.

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