Thanks to its unique properties, HCA, or hydroxycitric acid, is increasingly used by people who want to lose excess weight. Unfortunately, its reception does not always bring the expected results. Find out how to take HCA to enjoy the full effects of supplementation.
What is hydroxycitric acid and how does it work?
Hydroxycitric acid, abbreviated HCA, is an organic chemical compound that is an inhibitor of ATP citrate lyase. Its role is to convert citrate into oxaloacetate and active acetate — acetyl-CoA.
The effect of HCA on the body takes place already at the level of the cell mitochondrion. By mimicking citric acid, hydroxycitric acid affects fat metabolism. HCA can also promote the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, which supports the production of appetite-inhibiting ketone compounds.
Sources of HCA
Natural hydroxycitric acid is found in a large number of tropical plants, including Malabar tamarind (Garcinia cambogia) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), and its source is the fruits of these plants. From the perspective of the human body, all forms of HCA, including L-hydroxycitric acid from Garcinia cambogia fruit, are perceived as citric acid.
When it comes to dietary supplements, tamarind deserves special attention. Found in the fruit of Garcinia cambogia, L-hydroxycitric acid is the most biologically active form of HCA. To date, it has not been possible to isolate hydroxycitric acid from this plant. For this reason, dietary supplements with HCA contain not the active ingredient itself, but powdered Garcinia cambogia fruit extract. Malabar tamarind is found throughout Asia in countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
Action of HCA
HCA is an ingredient that supports weight loss. When eating food, protein in the process of lipogenesis is converted into fat. As we have already mentioned, HCA is able to inhibit this process, thus preventing the formation of excess body fat.
Other most commonly mentioned properties of hydroxycitric acid include appetite suppression. HCA may contribute to increased glycogen stores in the liver. Excess glycogen, in turn, affects the satiety center in the brain, so we become hungry more slowly after a meal. HCA does not directly cross the blood-brain barrier.
Regular consumption of HCA is likely to increase the body's thermogenesis process. During it, we expend more energy, so we burn more calories.
Hydroxycitric acid can also regulate cholesterol levels in the body. Regular intake of HCA in the form of a dietary supplement can therefore contribute to lowering LDL levels and raising HDL levels. Research suggests that Garcinia cambogia extract may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Dietary supplement with HCA - for whom?
Dietary supplements with hydroxycitric acid are primarily aimed at people who are on a reduction diet. However, HCA is not a magical specific that will effortlessly say goodbye to excess weight. When using dietary supplements with acid, a proper lifestyle and proper diet are crucial. HCA can reduce appetite, so we eat less and less often. However, keep in mind that a negative caloric balance is still required to lose weight.
Is it worth using Garcinia cambogia plant extract?
HCA-rich Garcinia cambogia fruit extract is important for the proper functioning of the human body and can support the weight loss process. Thanks to the fact that it can reduce appetite, intensify thermogenesis occurring in the body, as well as regulate cholesterol levels, it provides comprehensive help in weight reduction.
Malabar tamarind extract is especially recommended for people who have trouble controlling the amount of food they eat. When we provide the body with too much food, it is not able to convert it into energy, which leads to the deposition of body fat. Hydroxycitric acid prevents this phenomenon in many ways.
Studies indicate that hydroxycitric acid supports the synthesis of 5-HTP - a neurotransmitter that is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin. 5-HTP is known as a natural antidepressant that promotes healthy sleep and stabilizes mood.
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Daily dose of HCA
Taking hydroxycitric acid up to 2,800 mg per day in the form of a natural plant extract is safe for the body. Studies show that even such large doses of acid do not cause negative side effects.
Due to its hunger-inhibiting properties, HCA should be consumed half an hour to an hour before a meal. The recommended amount of acid per day is 2-3 doses of 500 mg. Do not exceed the recommended daily serving. When using HCA, a balanced diet is recommended.
Hydroxycitric acid is a specific organic compound whose effects in the body begin already at the mitochondrial level. Acid supplements will work especially well for people who want to control the amount of food they eat. It is worth remembering that the compound provides temporary support in the fight for a beautiful figure, but without a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle, it may not bring the expected results.
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- https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/541473
- https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/ra/c9ra01345h
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/hydroxycitric-acid