Muscles rolling - fascial massage to improve the condition and relaxation of tissues

Muscles rolling - fascial massage to improve the condition and relaxation of tissues

Muscle rolling is a type of massage of the myofascial system, which is performed using dedicated equipment - massage rollers, rollers or balls. The purpose of roll is to relax soft tissues, regenerate them and strengthen the whole body. However, the muscle rolling can also be associated with many other benefits. Who should consider using fascia auto-massage? How to properly roll individual muscle parts? What can be the effects of rolling the whole body?

History of muscle rolling

The idea for rolling was created in the 80s, while the creator of the first roller is considered to be the physicist - Moshe Feldenkrais, who also dealt with combat sports. Feldenkrais, struggling with knee pain, used auto-massage and noticed that the method used brought him relief. Thus, people from the close environment of the athlete also began to use the foam roller.

In the another years, Moshe student - Sean Gallagher also began using the method of auto-massage. He also contacted with Broadway star - Jerome Robbins, telling him about the benefits of the muscle rolling. The man decided to use this method among dancers - since then foam rollers have become an inseparable element of their training.

The method of auto-massage with the help of rollers gained more popularity in 2004, when two trainers prepared an extensive article about it. In 2008, one of them also created a thorough instruction explaining the rules and proper ways to rolling.

What is muscle rolling?

The muscle rolling is a type of myofascial auto-massage, a way of relaxing soft tissues, which is performed using appropriate equipment - with the help of masage rollers, rollers or balls.

The rolling can be used to loosen trigger points that contribute to the occurrence of tension of the entire muscle chains, or to generally strengthen the elastic membrane surrounding the soft tissues. It is also a good solution for supporting the whole body. The rolling is a way to relax muscles or regenerate them. It resembles the pressure of the physiotherapist's hands and brings with it a number of benefits, both among people exercising, who after the end of physical exertion are struggling with the load and fatigue of the body, as well as in everyday life, among people, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, feel muscle pain and stiffness. Moreover, the fascial massage can also be a method of rehabilitation or physiotherapy.

What is the muscle rolling? For pressing the brace and pain part of the body that we want to massage to the surface of the equipment and slowly moving on it, from the top down or sideways. You can roll different parts of the body, including the thighs, gluteal muscles, Achilles tendon, feet, back, arms, neck, forearms or shoulders.

What is fascia?

In order to fully understand what is the muscle rolling, it is also worth knowing what fascia is - after all, the rolling involves massage and relaxation of muscles and fascia.

The fascia is a membrane, which consists primarily of collagen fibers and elastin. The fascial system has a continuous, viscous and resilient structure. It contains, among others, pain receptors or nerve endings. The fascia surrounds muscles, but also internal organs or bones, fill a protective and building role.

Effects and benefits, or what gives muscle rolling?

The rolling affects the myofascial system and promotes the reduction of excessive tension in the body. The method allows relaxing the muscles, and also contributes to their oxygenation and nutrition, improving blood flow. In addition, the auto-massage increases muscle flexibility. Similarly, it affects the fascia, preventing its excessive tension, causing the fascia to peel off and making that unnecessary metabolic products can have easier transport by the human body. This may influence the firm up of the skin, and thus may improve its appearance and reduce the visibility of cellulite.

The rolling can also affect the hydration of tissues - the pressure of the equipment causes the extrusion of water from the tissues, and then, after the pressure has subsided, its return. This allows to stimulate the flow and eliminate stagnation occurring in tissues. In addition, the auto-massage allows sliding between fascia, as well as between fascia and other structures that are part of the musculoskeletal system, such as bones.

In addition, the rolling can contribute to reducing muscle pain and accelerating their regeneration. It also allows improving mobility, litheness and flexibility of muscles, and thus increases the range of motion. The muscle rolling can reduce the risk of injury as well as the occurrence of DOMS (delayed muscle pain syndrome).

The rolling of the body improves well-being and reduces stress, and can also have a positive effect on physical and mental condition.

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Muscle rolling - for who?

The rolling can be performed by both beginners and qualified athletes. It is a type of full body massage, which is also used by physiotherapists and rehabilitators, as well as by people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is a method that almost everyone can use.

The rolling muscles can be helpful for people who want to improve their mobility and range of motion, as well as body posture. The method can be a support among athletes tired of high frequency and intensity of training, as well as among people struggling with chronic stress. Massage of the myofascial system can also favour people who spend a lot of time in one position, as well as struggling with soreness or returning to training after a long break associated with injury. Rolling the body can also be a good solution for those who want to improve their appearance and well-being and reduce stress levels.

The muscle rolling is a type of self-massage that almost everyone can do. It will work both among professional athletes and people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

When and how often to roll muscles?

Roller or ball massage can be performed at any time of the day. Individual muscle groups should be massaged according to individual needs, even daily, but pay attention not to roll in one body position for more than 2-3 minutes. In order not to damage the nerves close to the skin, during the massage it is worth avoiding places such as the knee, place under the knee or hip joint.

The muscle rolling can be done both before physical exercise and after the end of training.

Before starting physical activity, it is usually recommended to quickly and dynamically roll all muscle parts after about 10 repetitions, which will allow them to prepare for work, and additionally warm up both muscles, and the fascia between them. The rolling before training can be considered as part of the warm-up, combining them with elements of dynamic stretching.

The rolling after training should be slow, calm and gentle. During the massage after the end of activity, it is worth focusing especially on painful places to take care of nutrition, oxygenation and relaxation of tissues. A good solution can also be a combination of the rolling with static stretching.

The muscle rolling can also be used as a separate training unit - it is worth considering massage of all muscle parts, as well as stretching elements to strengthen muscles, increase their mobility and accelerate regeneration.

Research carried out so far suggests that athletes who practiced rolling before physical activity achieved better performance than those who did not include this practice in the training plan. Thus, the massage of the myofascial system can be a valuable element and complement to the activities performed and can have a positive effect on the results achieved.

What to roll muscles? - Equipment and useful accessories

A variety of equipment can be used to roll muscles. The selection of the right assortment depends on the muscle part you intend to massage, as well as the degree of training and your auto-massage skills. The body structure can also be important. There are accessories available on the market, such as.:

  • smooth rollers - they work well when rolling the back,
  • long rollers - designed for rolling the whole body,
  • short rollers - support during the massage of smaller muscle parts, such as arms,
  • rollers with protrusions - helpful in rolling the legs,
  • balls - support during the massage of hard-to-reach trigger points, such as hands or shoulder area,
  • duoball, or double balls - used most often for muscle massage, such as the erector spinae or the lower parts of the neck,
  • bars - equipped with two handles and a roller with protrusions allow for effective and accurate self-massage; depending on the length, they are designed for different parts of the body.

The smooth rollers can be a good solution for beginners in auto massage or for those who are distinguished by a low pain threshold or lead a sedentary lifestyle. The rollers with protrusions can be helpful among experienced people or among trained athletes.

How to do muscle rolling?

An important issue related to the body auto-massage is the sensation of rolling - the massage should be felt, but it can not be painful, because then the body could react with even more tension to the stimulus.

The rolling should be done in places on the body where the tissues are stiff and dehydrated. Then you should choose the right pressure and place the roller under the selected muscle, then press and slowly roll the equipment around the body, from the up and down and side to side, also paying attention to the rolling techniques.

In order to properly perform rolling of the back, it is necessary to sit on the floor and place the massage roller at the height of the lumbar section. The legs should then be bent at the knees, while the buttocks slightly raised, and the hands based on the ground. Slowly move around the roller to massage the largest area of the back. For the massage of the thoracic and lower spine, it is worth using a duoball, moving it up and down.

Rolling of the buttocks is also often performed - for this purpose, the equipment should be placed under the buttocks and repelling the legs, moving on the roller forward and backward and to the sides. In turn, when feet rolling, you should focus on stretching the plantar muscle, which is why the roller or massage ball should be placed under the foot and gently transfer the weight of the body to it. Slowly, you need to make forward and backward movements, starting with the fingers and ending with the heel. It is worth paying attention not to rip your fingers up and not to tighten your muscles during the massage./p>

You can roll any part of the body - you just need to have the right equipment and knowledge. In case of any doubts, a good solution may be to use the help of a physiotherapist who will advise you on how to roll the body and how to properly perform muscle massage.

When performing the muscle rolling, you should focus on stiff and sore parts of the body. You can roll any part of the body - the back, buttocks or arms - just have the right equipment, such as a roller or balls.

Basic rules of rolling

  1. From large to small muscle structures - start the massage from large muscle groups and slowly, gradually move to deeper layers and structures - do not skip any, even a small, area of muscle.
  2. Rolling on the pain threshold - at first, the rolling can cause you a slight discomfort, but it should not cause pain. Adjust the force of pressure - too much can cause defensive muscle tension, and remember that the purpose of rolling is to relax them.
  3. Focus on the breath - holding your breath causes muscle tension, so focus on making your breathing deep and even, which will help you calm your nervous system, oxygenate the blood and work out the tissues.
  4. Accuracy and precision - when rolling, do not rush. Focus on smooth and slow rolling of the equipment over the body, and when you reach a particularly painful place - massage them for a long time.
  5. Systematicity - pain relief or muscle relaxation are effects that you can observe after just one massage session. However, systematic and regular rolling can help restore tissue balance.

Rolling muscles - contraindications

The rolling muscles is a simple and effective method to improve well-being, as well as condition and mobility. However, this is not a solution for everyone.

The rolling should be abandoned by people struggling with osteoporosis or fractures. The method is also not recommended in the case of acute inflammation or infection. Do not massage the body also when there is hypersensitivity of the skin or fresh injuries and incisions after recent surgery. Also, bruises and aneurysms are contraindications to the rolling of the myofascial system.


Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Master of dietetics, specialist in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy

Copywriter - dietitian. She completed her bachelor's degree in sports dietetics at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - at the UP in Poznań. She treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable tips, not rigorous regulations, that must be strictly followed. Privately, she is passionate about photography, which cannot imagine life without books.

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