Pumpkin seeds - valuable seeds and their properties

Pumpkin seeds - valuable seeds and their properties

Pumpkin is a popular vegetable, often used to prepare nutritious soups, sweet pancakes or winter preserves. However, few people realize that pumpkin seeds are also a valuable ingredient. It is a product that provides a wealth of valuable nutrients and vitamins. Pumpkin seeds and the compounds contained in them can support the proper functioning of the human body and have a pro-health effect.

How can pumpkin seeds affect the body? How can they be used on a daily life?

What are pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin is an annual plant, most likely from the regions of South and Central America. Currently, due to trouble-free cultivation, the pumpkin can be found on almost all continents. The vegetable is popular both for its taste and nutritional value, as well as a wealth of minerals and vitamins.

Pumpkin seeds are distinguished by a flat, oval shape and a slight bitter and a little nutty taste. Seeds isolated from pumpkin pulp are one of the healthiest seeds.

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Nutritional values of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds belong to high-energy products - in 100 g of seeds can be found as much as 574 kcal. At the same time, the seeds are distinguished by a low index and glycemic load. The product is a valuable source of healthy fatty acids - almost half of the weight of seeds is fat, and in particular polyunsaturated fatty acids, the content of which is about 20% of the weight of seeds, the predominant compound is linoleic acid. In pumpkin seeds can also find monounsaturated fatty acids, which constitute about 16% of the product weight, and their main representative is oleic acid, and saturated fatty acids, which cover about 8% of seed masses.

Pumpkin seeds are also a valuable source of protein and dietary fiber. The seeds are also rich in minerals and vitamins. Magnesium deserves special attention - in 100 g of the product can find almost 600 mg of this compound. The pumpkin seeds are also a great source of zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, copper and selenium. In the seeds can also find vitamin A and vitamin E, as well as B vitamins, among which prevail folic acid and niacin.

Pumpkin seeds - properties

Thanks to the fact that pumpkin seeds contain significant amounts of valuable fatty acids, the seeds can positively affect the work of the cardiovascular system. Inclusion of the pumpkin seeds into the daily diet can help lower serum cholesterol and lower blood pressure. At the same time, preferably the circulatory system may be affected by mineral components contained in the seeds, such as potassium and magnesium.

Because pumpkin seeds are a source of zinc and vitamins that are distinguished by their antioxidant effect, the seeds can support the fight against free radicals and the reduction of oxidative stress, and thus can delay the aging process. In addition, the pumpkin seeds can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system, supporting the body's immunity and reducing the susceptibility of the body to infections.

The pumpkin seeds, thanks to the richness of dietary fiber, can also regulate intestinal peristalsis and help prevent constipation. In addition, thanks to the magnesium content, they can support the functioning of the nervous system and relieve migraine ailments, while contributing to the improvement of mood and well-being.

The pumpkin seeds and substances contained in them can also take care of the condition of hair, skin and nails. They can strengthen, moisturize and smooth the hair, and what's more, they can prevent the skin from shining and even out its color. Regular consumption of the product can have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails and the growth of new hair, as well as reducing the visibility of wrinkles and furrows.

In addition, the seeds, and in particular the zinc, vitamin E and plant sterols contained in them, can positively affect the urinary system and fertility among men. The pumpkin seeds can accelerate diuresis, and what is more, they can have a beneficial effect on the work of the prostate gland, reducing the risk of prostate hypertrophy. The seeds can also have a positive effect on fertility and sperm quality.

Pumpkin seeds for weight loss? Because the seeds are distinguished by high content of dietary fiber, they can also support the regulation of metabolism and provide a feeling of satiety, while inhibiting hunger pangs.

In the pumpkin seeds also contain cucurbitacin, which occurs in a thin layer of visible membrane. It is an organic chemical compound that is an inhibitor of histidine decarboxylase, and at the same time in natural medicine, is used to fight parasites. It is recognized that cucurbitacin can neutralize parasites present in the human body, paralyzing their nervous system, and then can accelerate the process of their removal from the digestive system. The substance may also have choleretic effect and increase the secretion of gastric, intestinal and pancreatic juice, and may also have anti-inflammatory effects.

Are all pumpkin seeds edible?

Pumpkin seeds are a tasty and healthy addition to dishes. But are all pumpkin seeds edible?

Pumpkins can be divided into edible and decorative. As you can easily guess, seeds from edible varieties are also edible, while pumpkin seeds classified as ornamental should not be consumed, because they can be poisonous.

Among the edible pumpkins, the exception are Hokkaido pumpkin seeds, which contain a small amount of pulp, which makes them dry, and in addition can cause a laxative effect, so they should not be used as a component of the diet.

The way to pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a valuable and healthy snack that is worth including in the daily menu. Although seeds are classified as high-energy products, a small amount of pumpkin seeds in the diet can provide a feeling of satiety and have a positive effect on the work of the whole body.

Pumpkin seeds can be eaten raw, using them as an addition to soup, pasta or rice. The seeds will also be suitable for yogurt, salad, oatmeal or homemade bread or rolls. The pumpkin seeds are available in both shelled and unshelled form. Although it is possible to eat unshelled pumpkin seeds, people with sensitive digestive systems should give them up - they can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Then a much better solution may be shelled pumpkin seeds. In addition, from the pumpkin seeds may prepare oil, which can also be a valuable component of the diet and can be great as a supplement to salads or sandwiches.

How to dry pumpkin seeds?

When you prepare your favourite pumpkin cream in the fall, you're usually left with pumpkin seeds. What does with them? You can dry these products.

It is enough to rinse thoroughly and wipe with a kitchen towel the seeds hollowed from the vegetable. Then transfer them to a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in an oven heated to about 70 degrees Celsius per hour. Next, turn off the oven, set aside and leave the seeds to cool.

Pumpkin seeds and how to use them - roasted, dried or in the form of oil? How to consume pumpkin seeds?

How to roast pumpkin seeds?

To slightly change pumpkin seeds, just need to roast them. Then the seeds can be distinguished by completely different taste and aroma qualities, and what's more, under the influence of temperature, all impurities and microorganisms can be removed from the seeds.

The pumpkin seeds can be roasted in the oven or in a pan. To prepare them in the oven, it is enough to spread the seeds on a baking sheet with baking paper and bake them for about 15 minutes at 75 degrees Celsius. In turn, when preparing pumpkin seeds in a pan, it is necessary to put them on a dry and heated dish, stirring occasionally to prevent burning of the seeds.

How to store pumpkin seeds?

Because the pumpkin seeds are a source of fat, they should be stored in tightly-closed containers, away from light and heat sources. It may also be a good idea to put the product in the refrigerator.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of pumpkin seeds

The pumpkin seeds usually do not contribute to the occurrence of side effects. However, it should be remembered that this is a high-energy product, the excess of which in the diet can contribute to weight gain. Therefore, it is not recommended to take more seeds than 30 g per day.

Reaching for pumpkin seeds, special care should be taken by people struggling with gastrointestinal ailments, gastritis or ulcers. Sometimes, an allergic reaction may also occur after ingestion of pumpkin seeds, so when consuming seeds, you should watch your body carefully.


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Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Master of dietetics, specialist in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy

Copywriter - dietitian. She completed her bachelor's degree in sports dietetics at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - at the UP in Poznań. She treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable tips, not rigorous regulations, that must be strictly followed. Privately, she is passionate about photography, which cannot imagine life without books.

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