Iron is an important mineral that is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body - it affects, among others, the production of erythrocytes and the transport of oxygen to the body cells, as well as supports the work of the nervous or immune system. However, iron deficiency is a common phenomenon that results, among others, from the use of an incorrect diet, rich in substances that limit the assimilation of the element and reduce its absorption. What flushes iron out of the body? What compounds are better to avoid?
- What iron is, and what its importance for the proper functioning of the human body?
- Types of iron and its sources in food
- What flushes iron out of the body?
- Does coffee flush out iron?
- Does alcohol flush out iron?
- What are the symptoms and effects of iron deficiency?
- How to prevent flushes out of iron from the body?
What iron is, and what its importance for the proper functioning of the human body?
Iron is one of the most important minerals. It is a significant micronutrient, whose inadequate supply can contribute to the disruption of the whole body.
The iron is a compound that is involved in the formation of erythrocytes and supports the transport of oxygen to all cells of the body. In addition, the element can participate in the construction and functioning of the nervous system, and can also strengthen the body's immunity, supporting the work of the immune system. The iron is also part of the enzymes responsible for generating ATP energy, which is why the micronutrient is considered a compound necessary for the course of most life processes in the body.
Types of iron and its sources in food
The iron comes in two forms, which differ in bioavailability. Can be distinguished:
- Heme iron, whose rich sources are animal products such as meat, offal (e.g., liver), fish and seafood,
- Non-heme iron which can be found in products of plant origin, such as cereal products (including brown rice or buckwheat groats), nuts, legumes, some vegetables (e.g. parsley, green peas) and fruit (e.g. dried apples).
The heme iron is considered to be more bioavailable than the iron derived from plant products. The non-heme iron can absorb 4-8 times less than the microelement from animal products.
What flushes iron out of the body?
The public opinion believes that coffee, in particular caffeine contained in it, as well as tea and alcohol can elute iron of the human body. How is it really? What compounds limit the absorption of the element and contribute to its leaching from the body?
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Does coffee flush out iron?
Scientific research indicates that beverages with caffeine, such as coffee, may hinder iron absorption, but only if consumed during meals. Interestingly, caffeinated drinks have a much greater effect on non-heme iron than on heme iron. Analyses were conducted during consumption of hamburgers, which suggest that drinking coffee can reduce the absorption of iron from food by 39%, while consuming tea can reduce the bioavailability of the compound by up to 64%. It is also interesting that the absorption of iron may depend on the intensity of the infusion - the stronger the coffee or tea, the less iron can be absorbed in the human body. However, scientific research indicates that caffeine is not the main culprit of limited iron absorption - the compound can reduce the absorption of only about 6% of the micronutrient. It is worth emphasizing that coffee does not flush iron out of the human body, but can only limit its absorption when consumed at a small interval of time from a meal or during a repast.
Does alcohol flush out iron?
What do we know about the effect of alcohol on iron in the human body? Regular consumption of alcohol can cause pathogenic changes in the body. In addition, ethanol can contribute to the leaching of valuable micronutrients, including iron, from the human body. Alcohol abuse can increase the risk of iron deficiency and thus anemia. In addition, frequent use of hard liquors can lead to acute hemorrhagic gastropathy, associated with damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach. This can result in the loss of a significant amount of blood and valuable nutrients such as iron. In turn, among people struggling with cirrhosis of the liver, resulting from excessive alcohol consumption, the iron concentration in the organ is at a high level, which is due to the increased absorption of the compound in the duodenum. Hard liquors may also disturb the mechanism of action of hepcidin, and this may result in impaired transport of the element.
What other products flush iron out of the body?
Substances that may reduce the bioavailability of iron are also considered to be some polyphenols, which are found, for example, in cereal products or legumes, as well as in tea and coffee or cocoa. Studies indicate that the consumption of beverages containing about 50 mg of polyphenols may hinder the absorption of non-heme iron by about 50-70%, while apply liquids containing approx. 300 mg of polyphenols may result in a reduction in the absorption of the element by up to 90%.
Adversely affected by iron absorption may also have the presence of phosphates in the diet, which occur, for example, in carbonated drinks, as well as tannins, phytates and oxalates, or compounds present, among others, in blueberries, spinach or beans. The bioavailability of iron may also limit the excessive supply of calcium in the diet. The reduction in the absorption of the element may also be affected by some drugs, such as pharmaceuticals from the group of proton pump inhibitors or hypolipemic drugs.

What are the symptoms and effects of iron deficiency?
Iron deficiency in the body can also be associated with other activities and ailments than the use of an inadequate diet, rich in substances that limit the absorption of the element.
Low iron levels can be observed among supporters of a vegetarian and vegan diet, which is poor in foods considered to be sources of heme iron, as well as among pregnant women and those struggling with generous menstruation. Iron deficiencies can occur among blood donors, among people with heart disease, such as chronic heart failure, as well as among people struggling with gastrointestinal diseases, among others, those suffering from celiac disease or ulcerative colitis.
Among the symptoms of iron deficiency can be mentioned, among others:
- weakening of immunity,
- concentration disorder,
- headaches and dizziness,
- feeling of heart palpitations,
- pale skin and rough skin,
- brittle nails,
- longitudinal striations on the nail plate,
- sleep disorder,
- cognitive impairment,
- reduction of physical capacity.
Low iron levels can also lead to the development of erythrocytopenia, called anemia. Then, a decrease in red blood cells can be observed, and consequently, a lower amount of hemoglobin transported by erythrocytes, which may result in a reduced supply of oxygen to body cells.
Learn more: Iron deficiency
How to prevent flushes out of iron from the body?
To prevent flushing out of iron from the body and increase its bioavailability, it is worth following several rules, namely:
- do not consume coffee and tea during meals,
- limit alcohol consumption,
- eat a healthy and varied diet containing iron-rich foods,
- include in the menu products containing compounds that can have a beneficial effect on the process of iron absorption, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6 and B12 or some amino acids,
- after consulting with a doctor, consider using iron-rich dietary supplements.