Burdock - weed or plant with health-promoting properties?

Burdock - weed or plant with health-promoting properties?

Burdock is a plant from the Asteraceae family, which has been used in natural medicine for centuries. The herb can have a number of health-promoting properties, positively affecting, among others, for hair, complexion or the digestive system. The burdock is widespread around the world - in Asian countries it is used as a component of salads, while in Poland it is considered a common weed. What does the burdock look like? What properties does the plant have? How to prepare an infusion of the burdock root?

What is burdock?

The greater burdock (Arctium lappa L.) is a plant from the Asteraceae family that naturally occurs in Europe, although it can also be found in north-west Africa and in some regions of Asia. It is a herbaceous biennial plant popular in Poland, which is growing widely. The burdock blooms in summer, therefore, in July and August, tubular, bisexual flowers appear on the plant, which are collected in baskets of pink or purple colour. The stem of the plant can reach up to two meters in height, and on it there are leaves arranged in a rosette, which have a heart-shaped shape and are covered with a delicate mesh from the bottom. Palm burdock root is thick and fleshy, has an unpleasant smell and a rather sweet taste. On the other hand, the fruits of the herb, often referred to as "burr", are dry, single-seed achene of small size, which easily attach to animal hair, as well as to the surface of clothes, and that's how they're spread.

The burdock is a fairly large plant that grows quickly and has no special soil requirements, although it feels best in sunny places on a nitrogen-rich soil substratum. For this reason, in some areas it is considered a common weed - the burdock herb can be found on roads or on gravel ground.

Active ingredients present in burdock

The burdock is a plant showing a number of health-promoting properties. Herbal raw material, used in folk medicine, as well as in cosmetics and dietary supplements, is primarily considered the burdock root, which is a source of valuable ingredients. In the plant, can be found substances such as:

  • polyacetylene compounds,
  • sesquiterpenes,
  • inulin,
  • flavonoids,
  • tannins,
  • essential oils,
  • dietary fibre,
  • minerals, such as zinc,
  • vitamins, such as vitamin C,
  • mucus,
  • lignans.

Properties of greater burdock

The burdock root contains many valuable compounds, including lignans, which are attributed to health-promoting properties. According to the results of scientific research, the burdock can have anti-inflammatory effects, inhibiting the formation of compounds responsible for the inflammatory response in the body. In addition, the plant can stimulate the growth of probiotic microorganisms, which can positively affect the work of the human body and, among others, contribute to the increase in the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the body. In addition, the herb of the plant can have antifungal and antioxidant properties, and thus can neutralize free radicals and reactive oxygen species and contribute to the reduction of oxidative stress.

The results of the analysis also inform that the burdock may have antihyperglycemic effect, contributing to the reduction of fasting glucose levels. The burdock leaf extract may also inhibit the activity of alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase, and consequently may affect the digestion of starch, and due to the content of inulin and arctigenic acid may have anti-diabetic properties.

The burdock root can affect lipid metabolism, inhibiting lipogenesis. The plant can also alleviate ailments related to the digestive system, supporting the secretion of digestive enzymes, as well as promoting the regeneration of the gastric mucosa due to its damage, resulting, among others, from chronic stomach ulcers. The herb root extract can also help reduce the volume and acidity of gastric secretion, and can also prevent the reduction of glutathione levels.

What is more, the plant can act as an antitussive and hepatoprotective, protecting the liver against damage associated with high content of heavy metals, such as cadmium. Preliminary data on the burdock root suggest that the herb may have antiallergic properties, among others by reducing histamine secretion, and in addition the burdock may increase urine secretion and increase sweating, thus facilitating the cleansing of the body.

Burdock, greater burdock or Arcitum lappa is a common weed, which in Asian countries is also used as a food ingredient. Burdock root can have a number of health-promoting properties, among others due to the presence of lignans or inulin.

Use of burdock

The burdock is most often used in the form of decoction or infusion from the root of the plant, which is intended directly for drinking, but you can also find extracts from the burdock root, oils containing the extract from the leaves of the herb, as well as the burdock in the form of oils, juices, syrups or creams.

The burdock has found application in cosmetics - the plant can support the reduction of seborrheic or fungal skin ailments. What's more, it can reduce dry skin, minimize ulcers, acne or skin itching. The burdock can also strengthen hair roots and increase hair thickness, thus limiting hair loss.

Due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, the burdock herb is also used as a means of increasing the body's immunity, and also as a support in infections of the mouth and gums.

On the other hand, in Asian countries, the raw burdock root is used not only as a specificity for various types of ailments, but also as a food - the plant is used as a tea, and also as a component of soups or salads.

How to prepare a decoction and infusion of greater burdock?

On the market, the most commonly available is the crushed root of burdock, which has undergone a drying process. From such a product, you can easily create a decoction or infusion, containing many valuable ingredients.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a teaspoon of dried burdock root with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Then the drink should be strained and drunk. The preparation of the decoction is slightly different from the process of creating an infusion - a teaspoon of dried burdock root should be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then boiled for 5 minutes. Next, the liquid should be allowed to stand for 15 minutes and strain.

An interesting alternative to the infusion and decoction of the plant can also be burdock root juice, as well as dietary supplements containing extract from the root of the herb.

Burdock has been used for years in natural medicine, but burdock root is also used in cosmetics. Most often, the plant is used in the form of an infusion or decoction of greater burdock root.

Burdock - side effects and contraindications

The burdock is a herb that occurs naturally in nature and is considered a safe plant. The use of products containing Arctium lappa should not contribute to the occurrence of side effects. However, caution when using preparations with the burdock root should be maintained by people allergic to plants from the Asteraceae family, which may be distinguished by a higher probability of allergy to proteins contained in the plant. In addition, people taking anticoagulants or antidiabetic drugs should consult their doctor before taking burdock products, as the plant may increase the effect of the medicines used.

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Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Master of dietetics, specialist in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy

Copywriter - dietitian. She completed her bachelor's degree in sports dietetics at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - at the UP in Poznań. She treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable tips, not rigorous regulations, that must be strictly followed. Privately, she is passionate about photography, which cannot imagine life without books.

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