HMB - what is it and what does it give? Know the action, use and side effects

HMB - what is it and what does it give? Know the action, use and side effects

HMB, or beta-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate, is an organic chemical compound that is appreciated by physically active people due to its possible anti-catabolic effect. What other properties does HMB have? Who should consider using preparations containing the compound? Is it worth using HMB with other supplements?

HMB - what is it?

HMB is also known as beta-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate. It is an organic chemical compound classified as hydroxyacids, that is, components that in their molecular structure contain at least one hydroxyl group and one carboxyl group. The HMB is a substance naturally synthesized in the human body (mainly in skeletal muscles and liver) from an exogenous amino acid, also classified as branched chain amino acids BCAA, which is leucine.

HMB source

The HMB can be created in the human body as a result of the replacement of the exogenous amino acid, which is leucine. The scientific data obtained so far suggest that 5% of leucine available in the body can be converted into beta-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate. Therefore, food sources of the HMB are primarily food products that contain significant amounts of leucine, such as milk, meat, fish or eggs. Small amounts of the HMB can also occur naturally in foods such as milk and dairy products, fish, asparagus, avocado, citrus fruits and soy.

Among athletes and physically active people, food sources of the HMB may not be sufficient to meet the increased needs of the body - then it may be a good solution to include dietary supplements containing the desired substance in the daily diet.

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HMB - activity

The HMB is a dietary supplement that is becoming more and more popular among physically active people. The preparation is appreciated primarily as an anti-catabolic agent, which may contribute to slowing down the breakdown of muscle tissue. At the same time, the compound can positively affect the synthesis of muscle proteins, supporting the growth of muscle mass and increasing strength. In addition, the ingredient can have a beneficial effect on the performance and efficiency of the body among endurance athletes, and can also improve markers of aerobic efficiency and stimulate the synthesis of anabolic hormones, such as GH growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor IGF-1.

The HMB supplements can also contribute to the increase of beta-oxidation of fatty acids, and thus can positively affect the process of reducing body fat. The HMB supplementation may have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system and reduce inflammatory markers and contribute to the inhibition of proteolytic processes. The compound can also inhibit the degradation of muscle mass among training people, and competitive athletes can protect against muscle damage associated with the performance of intense physical exercise.

According to the results of scientific research, the HMB also has a positive effect on muscle strength and function in older people with sarcopenia, and can also have a positive effect on non-fat muscle mass among seniors.

HMB - for who?

Knowing the answer to the question "HMB - what does it give?", it is worth considering who can use supplements containing the beta-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate and for who they are especially recommended.

The HMB can be helpful among people who perform intense physical efforts and want to increase muscle mass and develop their build. The compound can also be a support among players during convalescence or among athletes after a period of long-term immobilization, who return to regular training after injuries and insults.

Special benefits of using the HMB supplements can be observed by people who are just starting to do intense workouts - the beta-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate can have a protective effect and reduce muscle damage associated with performing demanding exercises.

Moreover, the HMB can be helpful among older adults who are struggling with limited mobility, and they are also exposed to muscle atrophy and reduced physical condition - the HMB can reduce muscle mass loss and positively affect overall functional performance among seniors.

HMB is an anti-catabolic compound that can inhibit muscle breakdown and positively affect protein synthesis. It is a dietary supplement used by athletes, especially beginners athletes, as well as by older people who struggle with long-term immobilization.

Available forms of HMB

The HMB dietary supplement is available on the market in two forms - as a compound conjugated with calcium ion, in short referred to as HMB-Ca, and as free beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyric acid, called HMB-Fa. According to the results of scientific studies, the HMB-Fa may cause higher concentration the beta-hydroxy-methylbutyrate in the blood serum and act faster than the HMB-Ca. At the same time, the free acid compound may show better absorption and longer half-life in the blood plasma than the calcium ion conjugated form. However, the HMB-Ca is a more commonly used form of the compound in dietary supplements, and the rate of excretion of both forms of the component from the body does not differ from each other.

What to combine HMB with?

The HMB supplementation is worth combining with the use of creatine (e.g. in the form of creatine monohydrate), which can support the maintenance and building of muscle mass, strengthen muscles and minimize the degree of their breakdown. At the same time, the combination of the beta-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate with the creatine may extend the duration of training and have a positive effect on muscle regeneration after physical exercise.

The beta-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate can also be supplemented with beta-alanine or taurine, as well as in combination with vitamins and minerals, what can positively affect the functioning of the body and its performance during physical activity.

HMB and BCAA - what to choose?

Both HMB and BCAA are ingredients that can have anti-catabolic effects. Both compounds can also support the development of muscle mass and protect muscle tissue from breakdown. Which dietary supplement to choose? In fact, the selection of the right preparation is an individual matter. It is worth to be mindful of that the BCAA is an effective and well-studied supplement that can be helpful both among beginners and experienced players. In turn, the HMB is an ingredient that is particularly recommended among people who are just starting their adventure with strength training, while its effectiveness among professionals may be limited.

HMB is a preparation helpful among athletes, especially beginners who want to inhibit catabolic processes and intensify protein synthesis.

HMB - side effects and contraindications

The scientific data obtained so far suggest that the use of the HMB is safe, both among athletes and the elderly, who are exposed to muscle atrophy, and recommended portions totalled of up to 3 g of the ingredient per day are widely well tolerated and do not contribute to the occurrence of side effects. In a few cases, among others, due to the use of too large amounts of the HMB, may occur side effects, such as abdominal pain, skin itching or constipation.

If you are taking medications, you should consult your doctor before starting supplementation to discuss possible interactions between the beta-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate and the used pharmaceuticals.



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Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Copywriter - nutritionist. Bachelor's degree in sports dietetics She graduated from the Academy of Physical Education in Poznan, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - from the University of Physical Education in Poznan. at UP in Poznań. However, she treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable guidelines, rather than strict rules that must be strictly followed. Knowledge in the field of copywriting, on the other hand, she draws from courses and industry literature, but since the best way to learn is to practice. learning is practice, she spends many hours each day playing with words and creating new, unique content. content. Privately, she is passionate about photography and can't imagine life without books.

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