How to increase desire? - Natural ways and helpful dietary supplements

How to increase desire? - Natural ways and helpful dietary supplements

Libido is a sex drive that aims to satisfy sexual needs. It affects every person and is not a constant value, but depending on many factors, including hormone levels, it can fluctuate.

The pace of life, stress, exhaustion, as well as lack of physical activity and inadequate diet mean that more and more people, both women and men, are struggling with a decrease in libido and sexual problems. How to raise libido? What are the natural ways to achieve a satisfying sex life? What dietary supplements can increase the desire for sex?

What is libido?

Libido (from the Latin language "lust") is a claim that gained popularity thanks to Sigmund Freud, a well-known Austrian creator of psychoanalysis. This is an extremely broad concept, defining the internal sexual drive typical of every human being. However, it is not a one-dimensional statement, focusing only on sexual arousal. Libido also concerns the satisfaction of sexual needs, and they can consist of various factors, conditioned by the biological structure of the body and its requirements.

Because libido is an individual trait, it is impossible to define general norms that would affirm that the sexual drive is at a sufficient or too low level. Therefore, although some are a bit sexually cold, this does not mean that they are struggling with sexual problems - they are just like that. However, the problem of low libido can appear in everyone and can be worrying, especially when after a period of satisfactory sexual activity, we suddenly lose interest in the sphere of intimate life.

Scientific research indicates that hypolibidemia, or lack of desire for sex, can affect up to 45 % of married women and 30% of maidens, as well as about 15% of men. What could be the causes of libido decline? What causes reduced desire or lack of it?

Causes of decreased libido

Decrease in libido can have different causes. Among the most common causes of decreased libido, a key role plays chronic stress, which blocks the release of hormones responsible for relaxation. Nervous tension makes that, we do not want to sex and our worry makes that we forget about the importance of spending time together and the role of closeness.

Sometimes the reason for the decrease in libido are also hormonal disorders and changes - fluctuations in the level of individual hormones in the body can have different causes. They often occur among women during menopause or during pregnancy and result from too low levels of estrogen and progesterone. Among men, the decrease in libido is caused by too low testosterone levels in the blood. What are the causes of decreased sex drive?

  • Inadequate diet,
  • irregular lifestyle,
  • drugs,
  • some medicines, such as hormonal contraception or antidepressants,
  • lack of physical activity,
  • excess of duties,
  • incorrect partnership relations - conflicts and misunderstandings,
  • fatigue and exhaustion,
  • decreased mood,
  • psychological causes, such as low self-esteem,
  • some diseases, such as diabetes, intimate infections, thyroid diseases,
  • lack of sleep and inappropriate sleep hygiene.

Recommended products

What to do in case of reduced libido?

Periodic lack of desire for sex should not be a cause for anxiety. However, if the decrease in the level of libido does not go away, it is worth consulting a doctor to carry out appropriate diagnostics and take the right action.

If the reduced libido is due to the occurrence of physical disorders, then should be performed the physical examination ordered by the doctor and, after consulting a specialist, should be started individual therapy and pharmacological treatment. However, when the reasons for the decrease in libido are different, it is worth conducting a frank conversation with your partner and analyzing your current lifestyle and introducing the necessary changes and modifications in it. If necessary, a good solution may also be a conversation with a psychologist or consultation with a sexologist.

How to raise libido? Natural ways to increase libido

However, before you start to stay up all night, thinking about the cause of the decrease in desire (and thus get yourself into a vicious circle - after all, lack of sleep can result in a reduced libido...), try natural ways to increase libido. What are effective and universal solutions to strengthen the sex drive? How to increase libido levels by natural methods?

Physical activity

Because a sedentary lifestyle is one of the culprits of a decrease in libido, regular and moderate physical activity may be the solution. Physical exercise has a positive effect on the body, carrying a number of health-promoting properties that can contribute to the improvement of well-being and health. At the same time, sport promotes the release of endorphins, hormones responsible for reducing stress and tension.

Moderate activities such as a 30-minute walk or cycling can help increase libido. Zumba, aerobics or relaxation techniques, such as calming exercises, for example meditation and yoga, may also be a good solution.

Remember, that intense workouts may not necessarily have a positive effect on your libido. Too demanding physical effort can negatively affect your desire - the body will then be too tired to mobilize for sexual intercourse, and its only desire will be the regeneration of strained tissues.

Appropriate diet

Apply a healthy and balanced diet will give you more energy and feel better. It is well known that hard to digest and fatty foods and fast-food dishes do not have a positive effect on our well-being in the long-term, on the contrary - they cause lethargy, fatigue and a feeling of heaviness, which will not increase your desire. So modify your daily menu and eat healthy - include in your diet whole grains, healthy vegetable fats, milk and dairy products, as well as lean meat, fatty fish and seafood.

Remember also to right rehydrating. A good solution may also be to include natural aphrodisiacs in the daily menu.

Natural aphrodisiacs

Natural aphrodisiacs are food products that provide the body with many vitamins and minerals that can have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, as well as reduce nervous tension and stress. These are home-made ways known for centuries to increase libido, which can also contribute to the secretion of hormones such as dopamine or endorphins, which are responsible for a good mood. What products can positively affect libido and increase sex drive? Include in the diet products such as.:

  • celery,
  • avocado,
  • almonds,
  • strawberries,
  • asparagus,
  • seafood,
  • dark chocolate,
  • figs,
  • bananas.

In addition to the above-mentioned products, many spices can also have a positive effect on the level of libido, while adding a unique taste to your dishes. Therefore, it is worth using spices in the kitchen, such as:

  • turmeric,
  • cinnamon,
  • chilli,
  • vanilla,
  • lovage,
  • anise.

Adequate sleep hygiene

Because it is the brain is responsible for the work of the whole human body and controls its needs, as a result of sleep deprivation or fatigue, it focuses on rest, and the sexual drive goes to the background. Therefore, to increase libido, get enough sleep!

Interestingly, not only the amount of sleep is important (although the optimal time for night regeneration is 8 hours), but also its quality. Therefore, before going to bed, calm down and ventilate the bedroom well. Try to get regular sleep times and an uninterrupted duration of night rest.

The well-rested organism is fresh, and thus full of positive attitude and desire!

Rest and relax

Just like night regeneration, rest during the day is also important. Because for everyone another form of activity can be relaxing, it is difficult to clearly determine what behavior will have a beneficial effect on your body, reducing stress and nervous tension. However, everything that will help you relax - cinema, shopping, candlelight dinner or bathing in a bath full of foam will also positively affect your libido and sex life. Therefore, take care of your well-being, because in this way you will not only improve your mood, but also increase the level of libido.

Mood and atmosphere

You already know that you should take care of physical activity and a healthy diet. You also know that rest and sleep are essential components of your desire. What about the atmosphere? Although the quick satisfaction of sexual needs sometimes has its charm, it is important to take care of the right mood every day. The right climate is important - lighting, atmospheric music, smell (almond, rose or sandalwood oil can positively affect the desire...). Also details such as sexy lingerie, joint massage or additional gadgets can add hot and a sense of intimacy and increase libido and improve sex life, both in women and among men.

Remember that routine kills relationships, much less libido. Therefore, take care of variety and try new things - you will not lose anything, and you can gain a lot.

How to raise libido? What are the natural ways to increase libido? To enjoy a successful sex life, you should take care of your diet, physical activity, as well as the right mood.

Dietary supplements for libido

The market of dietary supplements is not left behind and to meet the expectations and needs of consumers, many manufacturers offer preparations that can strengthen libido, have a positive effect on erection and sex drive. Interestingly, many of the dietary supplements are products based on natural ingredients and herbs. What preparations can increase libido?

Tribulus terrestris

Bullhead, also known as tribulus terrestris, is a plant appreciated for thousands of years by Chinese and Indian medicine. It is a wealth of active substances, and according to the results of scientific research it can be helpful during libido disorders and fertility problems.

Tribulus terrestris can have a positive effect on the level of male sex hormones. In addition, the plant can improve sexual function and satisfaction with sex life. In addition, tribulus terrestis can relieve the symptoms of andropause. The plant can also be a valuable support among women - bullhead can increase sex drive and desire, as well as libido.

Learn more: Tribulus Terrestris for libido, fertility and more

Korean ginseng

Ginseng is another plant well-known for thousands of years, which can have a number of health-promoting properties. Korean ginseng can support the work of the circulatory system and contribute to lowering cholesterol levels, and importantly, it can also have a positive effect on libido and low sex drive.

Korean ginseng contains numerous compounds, including ginsenosides, which can cause the release of nitric oxide and thus stimulate an erection. In addition, the root of the plant can positively affect sexual satisfaction and desire among both men and women.

Maca root

Maca is a plant belonging to the brassicaceae family, the most appreciated part of which is the root.

Maca root is distinguished by scientifically proven, beneficial effects on fertility and libido - it is used both as an aphrodisiac and as a remedy for all ailments associated with hormonal disorders.

Regular supplementation with maca root can alleviate ailments resulting from sexual dysfunctions, as well as eliminate unpleasant symptoms accompanying menstruation, such as painful cramps or tension. In addition, the plant can cause an increase in sexual drive and have a positive effect on potency among men. Maca root can also raise low libido and well-being and have a positive effect on mood.

DAA - d-aspartic acid

DAA, or d-aspartic acid, is an endogenous protein amino acid that occurs in the human body in the central nervous system and in the reproductive system.

It is recognized that d-aspartic acid can stimulate the production of luteinizing hormones, and thus can contribute to the increase of testosterone production and strengthen male libido. At the same time, DAA can improve the quality of erection and ejaculation, as well as positively affect the satisfaction of sexual life.


Ashwagandha, although known primarily as an adaptogen that adds energy, can improve concentration and reduce fatigue, is also appreciated as a substance that supports libido in women and men.

In the case of women, ashwagandha can support the regulation of hormonal balance, which can relieve premenstrual tension and eliminate undesirable symptoms of menopause, and can also have a beneficial effect on fertility, desire and libido.

Among men, the plant can play a significant role in the production of sperm, increasing their amount and motility. In addition, it can support erection and increase sperm volume.


Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Master of dietetics, specialist in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy

Copywriter - dietitian. She completed her bachelor's degree in sports dietetics at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - at the UP in Poznań. She treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable tips, not rigorous regulations, that must be strictly followed. Privately, she is passionate about photography, which cannot imagine life without books.

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