Shaping your dream figure is a long-term process, during which you should pay attention not only to regular training, but also to a balanced diet with calorie deficit and properly selected supplementation. Diet for musculature is one of the most important factors when working on the figure, and dietary supplements for musculature can facilitate the achievement of the intended results. How to make a musculature? What to eat when shaping the body? What supplements are worth using?
Diet for musculature, or what?
Diet for musculature is a menu used to reduce body fat, which at the same time aims to emphasize muscle mass. It is a nutrition plan that takes into account the appropriate caloric deficit, which allows achieving the intended effects, that is, shaping the figure and phanerosis the muscles.
Diet for musculature should take into account the age of the player, as well as gender, body weight, height and type of physical activity. A reduction diet conducive to forming the body should be based on an appropriate energy deficit, individually tailored to the needs of the body, as well as the proper distribution of macronutrients.
When using a diet for musculature, the regularity of meals is extremely important, which reduces the desire to snack, and at the same time does not contribute to the deposition of body fat. The proper supply of fluids and paying attention to the proper hydration of the athlete's body is also crucial.
What to eat when making a musculature?
When reducing body fat and shaping muscle mass, special attention should be paid to the products consumed. It is important to have an adequate supply of high-quality protein, include healthy fats in the nutrition plan and at the same time limit the intake of saturated fatty acids, as well as carbohydrate consumption - complex be a good solution as a pre-workout or post-workout meal.
Thus, during the diet for musculature, it is worth including in the menu:
- Complete protein - e.g. lean meat, eggs, fatty fish, low-fat milk and dairy products, seafood, legumes;
- Healthy fats - e.g. fatty fish, vegetable oils, avocado, nuts;
- Complex carbohydrates - e.g. wholemeal pasta, brown rice, coarse groats, wholegrain bread, oat flakes.
The supply of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are a source of valuable nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, is also extremely important.
During the diet for musculature, should pay attention to the content of dietary fibre in the daily menu, as well as the proper supply of fluids. However, the nutrition plan should limit the share of highly processed food, fast-food dishes, fatty meats, as well as sweets, salty snacks and stimulants.
Recommended dietary supplements
Sample diet for musculature
When deciding to use a diet for musculature, firstly you should calculate the caloric demand of the body, and then take into account the appropriate energy deficit. Usually, when reducing body fat and shaping muscles, is used a deficit of 300-700 kcal, but it is worth remembering that the right diet for musculature should be tailored to the individual needs of the player, like the energy deficit. Also, the proper distribution of macronutrients in the daily menu should be tailored to the needs of the athlete - usually it is recommended to provide 15-20% protein, 20-30% fats and 50-65% carbohydrates. So what can an exemplary diet for musculature look like? What products and dishes should be included in the player's menu?
- Breakfast - Warming oatmeal
- II breakfast - Cottage cheese with vegetables
- Lunch - Baked salmon fillet with brown rice and salad
- Afternoon snack - Protein cocktail
- Dinner - Wholegrain sandwiches
Ingredients needed: 4 tablespoons of oatmeal, 3/4 cup of milk 2% fat, a pinch of cinnamon, an apple, a handful of walnuts.
Preparation: Boil the milk, add oat flakes and mix. Cover and leave to swell. In the meantime, wash, peel and cut the apple into a large cube. Fry the fruit in a pot until it begins to disintegrate, then add cinnamon and finely chopped nuts. Mix ingredients. Put the oatmeal into a bowl, add roasted apples with cinnamon and nuts.
Ingredients needed: Cottage cheese, 1/4 of red pepper, 1/4 of green cucumber, a handful of cherry tomatoes, 3 radishes, salt, pepper.
Preparation: Wash vegetables and cut them finely. Put into a bowl. Add cottage cheese, salt and pepper, and mix the ingredients.
Ingredients needed: 150 g of salmon fillet, 50 g of brown rice, 1 carrots, 100 g of sauerkraut, a tablespoon of parsley, a tablespoon of olive oil, favourite spices.
Preparation: Wash and dry the salmon. Season the fillet at your discretion and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake about 20 minutes at 220 degrees Celsius. Cook the rice according to the directions on the package. Prepare the salad - carrot wash, peel and grate on a grater on small eyes. Squeeze sauerkraut from excess juice and shred. Mix together with carrot. Add the chopped parsley, olive oil and favourite spices, and mix. Put on a plate baked fish, cooked rice and salad.
Ingredients needed: A glass of milk 2% fat, a banana, a handful of raspberries (fresh or frozen), 1 serving of protein supplement, e.g. with the taste of French vanilla.
Preparation: Pour milk into the blender cup, add raspberries and banana and protein supplement. Mix all ingredients to a smooth consistency.
Ingredients needed: Two slices of wholegrain bread, a teaspoon of butter, a slice of high-quality chicken cold meat, a slice of semi-fat cottage cheese, half a tomato, 3 radishes, favourite spices.
Preparation: Spread the bread with butter. Cover one slice with cold meat and the other with cottage cheese. Wash the tomato and cut into slices, then put on sandwiches. Wash the radishes and place on a plate next to the sandwiches. Season the whole to taste.

What dietary supplements for musculature is worth using?
In order to work out your dream musculature, you should focus on regular physical activity, as well as on the use of an appropriate diet, taking into account the proper caloric deficit. Dietary supplements for musculature may also be helpful, which can facilitate the achievement of the intended results and minimize the loss of muscle mass while using a reduction diet.
Competitors whose priority is a sculpted figure often reach for creatine, which may have anabolic properties and anti-catabolic effects. On the market of dietary supplements can be found various forms of the creatine, including creatine monohydrate, malate or hydrochloride, and the selection of the appropriate form of the compound is a matter of individual needs and preferences of the athlete. Regardless of the type of supplement, the creatine can positively affect the appearance of muscles, and can also improve the condition and endurance of the athlete and accelerate the achievement of the expected effects.
BCAA branched chain amino acids
Among the supplements for musculature, BCAA branched amino acids can also be distinguished, which can protect muscles against excessive breakdown, showing anti-catabolic properties, which can have a beneficial effect on the body shaping process. Moreover, the BCAAs can accelerate the regenerative processes occurring in the body after intensive training, and this can have a positive effect on the time of achieving the intended results.
Fat burners
When shaping the figure, it is important to reduce body fat. Then fat burners may be helpful, which may intensify thermogenesis or show lipolytic effect, increasing the energy expenditure of the body.
Protein supplements
During weight loss, as well as during the building of muscle mass, the right supply of protein is extremely important. Protein should be supplied to the body along with the daily menu, but among the players who are distinguished by increased requirements for protein, high-protein supplements, which are a concentrated source of the desired macronutrient, may also be a good solution.
Protein supplements can increase muscle protein synthesis, and at the same time may reduce the risk of muscle breakdown. Adequate protein supply can also increase training efficiency among athletes, as well as accelerate regeneration processes after physical exercise, reducing the risk of injury and positively affecting the return of the body to full condition.
Healthy fats
The diet for musculature should take into account the appropriate supply of healthy fatty acids. Among competitors who do not provide all the necessary unsaturated fatty acids to the body with food, dietary supplements containing valuable fats that can positively affect the functioning of the human body may be helpful.