What for immunity? Helpful tips on how to support a body prone to infections

What for immunity? Helpful tips on how to support a body prone to infections

What for immunity? - is a common question you hear from various sources. Whether from your loved ones, from the neighbor down the block, or from TV or the Internet.

To be able to properly support immunity, it is useful to know what it actually is and where it comes from. The next step is to learn about the ingredients and preparations that support it. And then - to implement valuable tips into practice.

What is immunity?

The body's immunity is the ability to actively and passively protect against pathogens, as well as the ability to fight off microorganisms that contribute to the development of many different diseases.

Pathogens can be all factors that negatively affect the functioning of cells and tissues, both physical, chemical and biological.

Immune system

An important element of immunity is the immune system, also known as the immune system. The immune system includes organs and cells such as the thymus gland, spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, tonsils, antibodies, lymphocytes, cytokines and many others. It is these elements that protect the body from harmful microorganisms and pathogens.

The process of developing immunity is a complex and long-term effort. It begins in fetal life and ends with the end of puberty. However, the most intensive development of the immune system is during the first three years of life, which is extremely important for proper functioning later in a person's life.

Types of immunity

Man has two types of immunity, specific and non-specific. Both are equally important, although each works slightly differently.

Non-specific (innate) immunity is genetically determined, and the processes involved depend on the individual predisposition of the organism. It does not target a specific type of antigen. Non-specific immunity can be:

  • passive - this group includes natural protective barriers and reflexes such as coughing and mucous membranes that prevent the entry of pathogens,
  • active - are reactions, triggered by the immune system, when a harmful agent enters the body. Its purpose is to capture and inactivate pathogens.

In turn, specific (acquired) immunity is a mechanism that a person acquires throughout his life through direct contact with a pathogen. The immune system remembers the harmful agent and the next time it attacks, it automatically eliminates it. Specific immunity can be:

  • passive
    • natural - provided by the mother's antibodies, transmitted to the child already during fetal life and during infancy, through breastfeeding,
    • artificial - appears, for example, after administration of serum,
  • active
    • natural - is the immunity that the immune system provides after contact with the antigen as a result of the disease and infection,
    • artificial - ensured by preventive vaccinations.

However, the division of immunity into innate and acquired is not the only classification used. We can also distinguish between humoral and cellular immunity.

Humoral immunity is associated with the action of B lymphocytes that produce specific antibodies and memory cells that recognize foreign antigens. In turn, cellular immunity depends on T lymphocytes and consists in removing dangerous pathogens from the body.

There is also a third division of immunity, into primary and secondary immunity. The former appears within a few days after contact with the pathogen, while the secondary - after its reappearance in the body.

Recommended products to support immunity

What affects the functioning of the immune system?

The proper functioning of the immune system is affected by many factors, both internal and external.

Immunity is to some extent genetically determined, but nevertheless, every day we have a strong influence on the potential development of pathogenic pathogens. Some adversities are easier to deal with, others more difficult, but the most important thing is to be aware of what specifically affects the proper functioning of our immunity.

External factors include temperature fluctuations, frequent exposure to air conditioning or inappropriate clothing.

On the other hand, as internal factors we can consider permanent stress, inadequate diet, lack of sleep, stimulants such as alcohol, lack of regular physical activity and medications, especially antibiotics.

How to increase immunity?

Strengthening the immune system is a good idea to start by countering external factors. So it's a good idea to wear clothes that are appropriate for the weather outside or avoid constantly being in air-conditioned rooms.

Next, pay attention to internal factors. To improve your body's immunity, start getting regular sleep and physical activity. Also remember about proper diet and stress reduction.

Sleep and immunity

Very important for the proper functioning of the immune system is sleep. In order for the body to rest and have time to recover, we should allocate 7-8 hours a day for sleep.

Scientific studies suggest that sleep deprivation affects mood, cognitive decline and concentration, as well as lower immunity and greater susceptibility to infections and infections. In the case of sleep deprivation, the number of "defensive" Th1 lymphocytes decreases, while the level of inflammatory cytokines increases.

Physical activity and its impact on immunity

All you need to do each day is to do 30 minutes of intense walking, and your immunity will already improve!

Numerous scientific studies suggest that moderate-intensity physical activity reduces the risk of developing diseases. Scientific data has also shown that regular moderate exercise for 1-2 hours each day reduces the risk of upper respiratory tract infections by as much as 1/3.

The role of diet in strengthening immunity

A varied, balanced diet is also extremely important.

It is important to consume meals at regular intervals and that they are a source of essential macronutrients, as well as a wealth of vitamins and minerals. The diet should be full of vegetables and fruits, and from the point of view of the body's immunity, it is also important to consume products such as:

  • fish and seafood, which are a source of vitamin D, which facilitates the absorption of calcium, benefiting the skeletal system, and takes care of the physiological balance. Fish is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation in the body by limiting the synthesis of cytokines, i.e. inflammatory mediators,
  • blackcurrant, pepper, parsley, wild rose and citrus, which are a source of vitamin C. This ingredient accelerates the healing process of wounds, as well as prevents and helps fight inflammation,
  • carrots, eggs, butter are products rich in vitamin A, which is essential in the metabolic processes responsible for maintaining the proper structure of the skin. Therefore, it provides a kind of protective barrier against the penetration of pathogens.

However, these are just a few nutritionally important products that support immunity and the work of the immune system. The most important thing is to reach for a variety of items and follow a varied diet. Then we can be sure that we will not lack essential components that benefit the entire immune system.

Stress and the immune system

Numerous stressful situations that we face every day increase the production of the stress hormone, i.e. cortisol in the adrenal cortex.

Constant stress causes chronic production of cortisol, and this adversely affects the function of immune cells. Stress inhibits the activity of Th1 cells, which are responsible for defending against pathogens in our body. Thus, it contributes to the deterioration of the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infection.

Natural ways to increase immunity

We can support immunity in many ways. An important role in the proper work of the immune system is played by ingredients whose sources you are sure to have at home. In addition, the immune system is also affected by many commonly available products. Learn about valuable immunity-supporting ingredients and include them in your diet today!

Natural methods of supporting the immune system include the use of products such as:

  • garlic, which acts as a natural antibiotic - it is a wealth of flavonoid compounds, as well as minerals and vitamins, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, B1, B2, PP and vitamin C, all of which are beneficial to the body's immunity. Garlic also contains allicin, a chemical compound with strong antiviral effects, and phytoncides, which exhibit bactericidal activity.
  • onion, which is also a wealth of vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the body and the immune system. Onion contains vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, vitamin C and PP as well as zinc, selenium, phosphorus and calcium. It is worth noting that many valuable compounds are released when the vegetable is cut or crushed,
  • honey improves the function of the upper respiratory tract, as well as relieves sore throat and facilitates expectoration. It also exhibits strengthening and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Honey provides the body with vitamins A, C and E, as well as numerous enzymes and polyphenolic compounds,
  • ginger shows thermogenic properties, increases sweating, and thus contributes to detoxification of the body. It also helps fight infections and has an antibacterial effect. It is a good source of vitamin C, E and A, as well as minerals such as sodium and calcium,
  • lemon is a well-known source of polyphenols and vitamin C. A glass of water with lemon or tea with its addition will strengthen immunity preventing the development of infections.

Remember that both lemon and honey should be added to slightly cooled tea or water. In boiling water these products lose their valuable properties!

Herbs for immunity

The salutary power of herbs surprises at every turn. Also supporting the body's immunity, it is worth taking advantage of the knowledge of herbal medicine and take care of yourself using natural, commonly available ingredients.

  • black elderberry - both flowers and fruits of this plant are used. Black elderberry is a source of antioxidants and minerals. It stimulates the production of Th2 lymphocytes. Thus, the plant exhibits anti-inflammatory, expectorant and immunomodulatory effects. Elderberry is used to make various types of preserves, e.g. juices and jams,
  • evening primrose - the active ingredient of evening primrose is gamma-linolenic acid which belongs to the omega-6 acids. It creates a protective barrier against viruses and thus takes care of the immune system. Evening primrose reduces inflammation and is also used in the treatment of gastrointestinal ailments. The most popular source of evening primrose is its oil,
  • aloe vera is a plant used in both cosmetics and medicine. Due to the vitamins contained in it, which are strong antioxidants, as well as minerals and valuable amino acids, it has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. In addition, polysaccharides contained in aloe juice motivate macrophages to act, i.e. cells of the immune system that destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, aloe vera supports the immunity of the entire body,
  • ginseng - the ginsenosides contained in it stimulate T-lymphocytes, which destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Ginsenosides are also involved in hormonal changes that regulate the body's response to stress, and increase the ability of hemoglobin to attach oxygen, which helps supply organs with this component. Ginseng also contributes to increased energy and strengthens the immune system,
  • cistus is distinguished by a high content of polyphenols, i.e. strong antioxidants with antioxidant properties that neutralize free radicals. At the same time, the richness of antioxidants affects the inhibition of inflammation in the body. It has also been observed that the essential oil obtained from the Cistus leaves has antibacterial properties.

Herbs helpful in increasing immunity can also include purple echinacea, which has anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates immunity, e.g. in respiratory infections, as well as rosehip or rowan berries.

\However, it is impossible to list all the herbs that have a positive effect on our immune system. However, it is worth introducing herbs into your daily diet to regularly support the body's natural protective processes.

5 supplements that will boost your immune system

While taking care of the immune system, it is also a good idea to use body-supporting dietary supplements, which help fight any germs. We have selected five important substances and compounds that positively affect the work of the immune system, strengthening the body's resistance:

  1. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid with strong antioxidant properties. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and protective properties, it affects the DNA of cells. In addition, astaxanthin reduces the risk of infection.

    According to research, as little as 2 mg of the carotenoid per day reduces the risk of infection by as much as 40%. Its natural source is salmon and trout, although these products provide the body with small amounts of the beneficial substance.

    Other data suggest that astaxanthin exhibits 65 times stronger antioxidant activity than vitamin C and 50 times greater than vitamin E. As a result, it slows down the body's aging process and has a positive effect on health.

  2. Tran is a well-known immune booster. The popular fish oil is obtained from fish from the cod family. It is a source of vitamin A (in the form of retinol), which is involved in the stimulation of T lymphocytes that protect the body against autoimmune reactions, as well as vitamin D3, which affects the activation of genes encoding cathelicidin with bactericidal properties. Omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish oil also help to reduce inflammatory processes in the body.

  3. Shark liver oil is contrary to appearances not the same as cod liver oil. The difference between them is substantial. Three substances are produced in shark liver, namely alkoxyglycerol, squalene and omega 3 fatty acids. Both alkoxyglycerol and squalene occur naturally in the human bone marrow.

    Shark liver oil stimulates the synthesis of antibodies and leukocytes. It also damages the membrane of bacterial cells. It is the alkoxyglycerols that prevent infections, both bacterial and viral. In addition, squalene ensures the proper functioning and reconstruction of damaged immune cells, and omega 3 acids modulate the inflammatory response.

    If you want to strengthen the immune system, be sure not to supplement shark liver oil and cod liver oil at the same time, as we can overdose on vitamin A in this way, which can have a toxic effect on the whole body.

  4. Zinc plays an important role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Zinc also plays an important role in mediating immune cell interactions. This element creates and accelerates the maturation of T lymphocytes, and its deficiency results in a weakened functioning of other important elements of the immune system, such as macrophages, neutrophils and NK cells.

  5. Lactoferrin is a chemical substance classified as a group of proteins found naturally in the body fluids and secretions of mammals, most notably in colostrum, saliva and tears. The ability to bind iron is one of the key properties of lactoferrin. Thanks to this, the compound is a regulator of the immune system and a stimulator of immunity. Lactoferrin also has an inhibitory effect on viruses, preventing them from entering the body. It prevents the proliferation of pathogens at the beginning, when the first symptoms of infection appear, but also helps to shorten the time and alleviate the effects of an already ongoing disease.

How to improve immunity in children?

A child's immune system is still in its formative stages, and it doesn't actually gain full-scale defense functions until around age 12. Data suggests that preschool children get sick an average of 6-8 times a year. To reduce the number of infections in a toddler, it is worthwhile to support his immunity from an early age.

Just like in the case of adults, a proper, balanced diet is extremely important. A child's menu must include a large amount of vegetables and fruits, which are natural sources of valuable ingredients that support immunity. Equally important are wholegrain cereal products, milk and dairy products and good quality meat. In dishes prepared for children, as well as for the rest of the family, it is worth including natural prebiotics such as garlic, onion or leek.

Among children, it is also important to ensure supplementation with vitamin D, which is extremely important for the proper development of the skeletal system and calcium-phosphate metabolism. Vitamin D also affects immunity. Although it is synthesized by the skin and supplied with food, its amounts are usually insufficient, so supplementation is recommended from the first days of life.

In supporting the child's immunity, it is also important to harden the body. As the famous saying goes "there is no bad weather, just inappropriate clothes". Therefore, dress your toddler properly and take him for a walk every day, and you will definitely notice an increase in your child's resistance to infections.

What to give a child for immunity? - Remember that no preparations can replace a proper diet and adequate sleep and rest. Among toddlers, it is worth considering supplementation with fish oil or syrups based on natural ingredients, for example, a product such as elderberry syrup.

Be patient, after all, immunity does not improve overnight. Support your child's immune system every day, and after a few weeks you will see the first results.

How to strengthen the immunity of the elderly?

Older people, due to the aging processes of the body and the occurrence of various diseases and conditions, are more vulnerable to infections.

As in other social groups, it is worth taking care of the appropriate length and quality of sleep, reducing the level of stress in everyday life, as well as exercise and proper diet. It is in the intestines that 70% of immune cells are located, so it is worth paying attention to what we eat.

Among the elderly, attention should be paid to covering the demand for ingredients such as:

  • vitamin D - which is crucial in taking care of immunity and especially important due to the high risk of osteoporosis,
  • vitamin C - which protects cells from oxidative stress and thus delays the aging process,
  • vitamin A - has a beneficial effect on the organ of vision and reduces inflammatory processes in the body,
  • B vitamins, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems,
  • Zinc, which affects immune function and is a major component of enzymes,
  • selenium, which increases the ability of T lymphocytes to multiply and strengthens their ability to migrate,
  • copper and iron, which are also necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system.
Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Copywriter - nutritionist. Bachelor's degree in sports dietetics She graduated from the Academy of Physical Education in Poznan, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - from the University of Physical Education in Poznan. at UP in Poznań. However, she treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable guidelines, rather than strict rules that must be strictly followed. Knowledge in the field of copywriting, on the other hand, she draws from courses and industry literature, but since the best way to learn is to practice. learning is practice, she spends many hours each day playing with words and creating new, unique content. content. Privately, she is passionate about photography and can't imagine life without books.

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