Arnica montana is a plant from the Asteraceae family, which grows primarily on the mountainous areas. The perennial herb is distinguished by a wealth of valuable compounds, which means that the Arnica has long been used in folk medicine and herbal medicine. Currently, the plant is subject to strict species protection, and the herbal raw material comes only from controlled cultivation of the Arnica montana. What active ingredients are present in the plant? What properties can the Arnica montana exhibit and in which products can be found the perennial extract?
Arnica montana - characteristics
Arnica montana (from Latin Arnica montana L.) is a species of perennial plant from the Asteraceae family, which is often also called a wolf's bane or a mountain tobacco. The mountain arnica grows mainly on mountain and foothills areas of Central Europe, as well as areas of Asia and North America. In Poland, the perennial can be found mainly in the Sudetes, Carpathians and Bieszczady Mountains and in the Masurian Lakeland, where it is a plant under species protection.
The Arnica montana prefers moist peaty soils and a cooler climate. It has a weakly branched rhizome, which reaches a small size, and a green, straight stem, covered with glandular trichomes, which can grow up to 60 cm in height. In the aboveground part, Arnica leaves form a rosette shape, while those located higher on the stem grow opposite. The leaves of the plant are entired or crenated and have an elongated ovoid shape. In summer, dark yellow flowers appear on the perennial, which are collected in baskets with a double-breasted cover, consisting of lingual and tubular flowers. The fruits of the plant are achenes, at the top of which are pappus.
Active ingredients present in Arnica montana
The herb of the Arnica montana contains more than 150 valuable ingredients. The most important compounds found in the plant include:
- flavonoids, such as quercetin, kaempferol or apigenin,
- sesquiterpene lactones,
- essential oils,
- carotenoids,
- diterpenes,
- triterpenes,
- pyrrolizidine alcohols,
- coumarins,
- phenolic acids.
Herbal raw material used, among others, in natural medicine, are primarily dried flowers of the mountain arnica, and the content of individual active substances in the raw material depends on the conditions of perennial growth, such as insolation, height above sea level or soil moisture and fertility.
Properties of Arnica montana
The health-promoting properties of the Arnica have been known for a long time. Hildegard of Bingen, who lived at the turn of the XI and XII centuries, already mentioned its use in natural medicine. Current scientific research confirms that the mountain arnica can show a number of health-promoting activities. The plant is distinguished by its anti-inflammatory properties, as it can inhibit the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and reduce prostaglandin synthesis. Moreover, it can have antibacterial and antifungal properties, and it can also have antiprotozoal properties.
Substances found in the Arnica montana can also affect the antioxidant properties of the plant. The wolf's bane can fight free radicals and neutralize reactive oxygen species, and can also contribute to reducing oxidative stress and delaying aging processes. The perennial may also have antihemorrhagic and anticoagulant effects, as well as supporting blood circulation.
The mountain tobacco can also act against cough and promote hair follicles, increasing the strength of hair and contributing to their intensive growth. The mountain arnica may have anti-degenerative properties, blocking transcription factors responsible for the anti-degenerative-arthritic effect and contributing to the reduction of pain intensity and morning stiffness. In addition, the perennial can act immunomodulatory, anxiolytic and hepatoprotective, increasing the synthesis and secretion of bile acids and bilirubin, and thus accelerating the activity of enzymes.
The Arnica montana is used locally as a means of relieving post-traumatic and post-operative pain, or support in toothache associated with dental treatment. The results of scientific research on the analgesic properties of the plant are contradictory, but the majority of data suggests that the Arnica can relieve pain to a comparable extent as standard pharmaceuticals, and at the same time, it can contribute to the occurrence of negative and undesirable effects to a lesser extent.

Use of Arnica montana
The Arnica montana was once widely used in folk medicine, but now it is under strict protection, which means that for the purposes of using the plant you should use its controlled crops. The Arnica is used as an ingredient in cosmetics, as well as medical devices that can be used externally on the skin and mucous membranes, as well as for internal use, as pharmaceuticals containing the plant extracts.
From the perennial are made of ointments and gels, which are intended for use during mild abrasions of the epidermis or skin inflammations, as well as for insect bites and joint pain and for edema and contusions. Liquid arnica extract is used as a component of preparations used during inflammation of the oral cavity. The plant is also sometimes used to produce supportive agents in the fight against infection of the body.
The mountain arnica extract can also be found in cosmetics intended for the care of vascular skin, as well as in anti-cellulite preparations, because the plant can improve microcirculation in capillaries, and also have the ability to reduce lymphatic stasis. The perennial extract can also be found in eye creams, because the plant can eliminate dark circles and swelling. The Arnica is also used in preparations intended for hair care, because the plant can increase their strength and support their growth.
Side effects and contraindications to the use of Arnica montana
The most common side effects that can occur with the use of preparations containing the Arnica montana are skin reactions such as redness and itching. Oral intake of excessive amounts of pharmaceuticals containing the perennial extract may lead to abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
People who take anticoagulants from the group of vitamin K antagonists should forgo products containing the Arnica because the plant could intensify the pharmaceutical effect. Preparations with the Arnica montana should also not be used for open wounds, extensive burns and abrasions, as this can lead to severe tissue irritation.
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