Carob - a valuable substitute for cocoa and a healthy substitute for sugar

Carob - a valuable substitute for cocoa and a healthy substitute for sugar

Carob is a compound obtained from dark green pods growing on a carob tree, also called St John's bread or Ceratonia siliqua. It is a substance known and appreciated for many years, which will be great as a substitute for cocoa, which resembles not only the appearance and consistency, but also the taste and aroma. Carob is also appreciated for its pro-health properties - the substance can have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, and can also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

What other properties can carob have? How to apply it? What foods can be prepared with his participation? Is carob healthy?

Carob - what is it?

Carob (from lat. Ceratonia siliqua), often referred to as locust bean gum or ceratonia, is obtained from the endosperm of the seeds of the carob tree.

The dark green carob tree, belonging to the Fabaceae family, can be found primarily in the countries of the Mediterranean, and sometimes also in India and Australia. The plant can grow up to 18 meters in height, and its fruits, which also reach a large size, are in the form of pods with a leathery texture, in which inside can be found dark brown seeds. The carob tree pods are commonly used in the food industry to produce ingredients such as.:

  • carob molasses - obtained from ceratonia pods can be used, for example, as a substitute for honey,
  • carob powder - obtained from carob tree pods that do not contain seeds. It is distinguished by a dark brown color and a chocolate smell, and in taste the substance resembles sweetened cocoa,
  • locust bean gum - a substance obtained from the seeds of Ceratonia siliqua. It has a white and yellow color and is used primarily as a stabilizer and thickener. In the food industry, it is marked with the symbol E410.

In addition, because the fruits of the carob are edible, can be also found whole pods on sale, which eaten raw can be a great snack.

The carob has the ability to form viscous aqueous solutions at relatively low concentrations. In addition, the substance dissolves well in hot water, while in cold - only partially. Sometimes the carob can be used as a type of dietary fiber - because of the structure and viscosity, the compound can limit the absorption of carbohydrates.

Interestingly, the word "carat" commonly used in jewellery comes from Greek and means "carob". This is due to the fact that carob grains were once used as valuable weights.

Carob - nutritional values

The locust bean gum is an excellent source of carbohydrates, especially sucrose. The carob also contains a lot of dietary fiber, small amounts of protein and fat, and many vitamins and minerals. In the seeds can be found, among others, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and in smaller quantities also sodium or zinc. The carob also contains B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C and E.

However, antioxidants such as flavan-3-ols, catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, gallic acid, or epigallocatechin gallate are of the greatest interest among the carob components, which can constitute up to 18% of the seed weight.

The carob is also distinguished by a low glycemic index and low energy, thanks to which it can be successfully used by both diabetics and people on a reduction diet.

Carob - health-promoting properties

Thanks to the richness of antioxidants, the carob has antioxidant properties. The substance can neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidative stress and the activity of reactive oxygen species, and thus can delay the aging process.

The test results also suggest that the locust bean gum may reduce lipid peroxidation and increase superoxide dismutase concentration. The use of the compound as a food additive can cause an almost 18-fold increase in the antioxidant properties of the food consumed, which makes that the carob can be used as a component of functional food.

The fruits of the carob can inhibit the activity of enzymes such as alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase, which may have a positive effect on the reduction of postprandial serum glucose. The compounds found in the carob may also inhibit glucose absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, and animal studies suggest that the carob tree seed extract may contribute to glycemic reduction.

Thanks to the wealth of valuable vitamins and minerals, especially iron and calcium, the carob can also be helpful during anemia and osteoporosis. It can also be a support in upper respiratory tract infections, as well as in the process of wound healing.

The Ceratonia fruits may have detoxifying and antibacterial properties. Research suggests that the locust bean gum can shorten the duration of diarrhea, and at the same time can counteract constipation, support intestinal peristalsis and increase the feeling of satiety.

Due to the richness of fiber and polyphenols, the carob can also protect the cardiovascular system, contributing to the binding and removal of cholesterol molecules from the body. Thus, the seeds of the plant can contribute to lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood serum. The Ceratonia pods extract can also have anti-inflammatory effects, inhibiting the formation of cytokines and pro-inflammatory compounds, such as IL-1-beta, which may be associated with certain gastrointestinal conditions, such as gastric ulcer. Thus, the carob can have a beneficial effect on the human body and alleviate ailments associated with the disease.

Carob or cocoa

The carob is often compared to the cocoa. Due to its naturally sweet taste and pleasant smell and consistency, it is often used as him substitute. However, there are some differences between the substances. What?

The carob is a natural product in the form of powder, which is distinguished by a better composition and nutritional values. The cocoa is distinguished by a slightly bitter taste, while the carob is a compound with a sweet and slightly chocolate aroma. In addition, the carob, unlike the cocoa, does not contain oxalic acid and theobromine, which are compounds that may hinder the absorption of calcium and zinc.

As if that were not enough, the carob is gluten-free and does not contain caffeine, and also does not contribute to the occurrence of reflux disorders. Thus, it can be used both by people struggling with celiac disease and by allergy sufferers, as well as by children. Due to the sweetish aftertaste, the locust bean gum can also be used as a natural sweetener.

The carob is an interesting alternative to cocoa and a healthy substitute for caramel sugar. How to use the carob?

The use of carob - how to use the locust bean gum?

The carob is used as a thickening and stabilizing substance, which is why it is often used in products with a reduced fat content. In addition, it is added to cheeses and spreads, as it can have a positive effect on the lubricity of products.

The locust bean gum is also used by the bakery industry, as it can improve the texture and increase the viscosity of the dough. In addition, it can favourably affect its volume, as well as extend the shelf life of bakery products.

As a binding agent, the substance is also used as a substitute for gluten in gluten-free products. In addition, the carob is used in the production of beverages, as it can prevent delamination. The carob tree seed extract is used in the production of edible coatings of fruits and vegetables, which are responsible for the durability of products. In addition, the carob is used in the process of creating sweet toppings and icing, as well as ice cream, jams or jellies. It can also be used for cakes as a substitute for eggs.

The locust bean gum can be used in baby milk preparations, ensuring adequate concentration of liquid mixtures. The carob can be especially helpful in products for infants prone to spitting, because the substance can counteract their occurrence.

In addition, as we mentioned earlier, the carob is a great alternative to the cocoa. The ground carob tree seeds are also an interesting alternative to coffee or a healthy sugar substitute with a caramel flavuor.

Carob - recipes

The carob can also be used at home when preparing a variety of dishes. Because the taste of the carob meal resembles sweetened cocoa, it will be great, among others, as an addition to banana or nut dishes.

What dishes can be created with the addition of the carob? The only limit is your imagination! However, we have a few tips and sample recipes for dishes with the addition of carob for you. Here's them!

Homemade cream with carob

Let's start with a sweet paste that will be great for both spreading sandwiches and as an addition to pancakes or waffles. In addition, homemade cream with carob can be used when preparing oatmeal or eat a spoon from the dish. There are many possibilities, and the preparation of the cream will not take you much time!

Ingredients: soft avocado, a handful of hazelnuts, 2 tablespoons of carob, 1 banana, a little lemon juice.

Preparation: Pick the avocado, finely cut and sprinkle with lemon juice. Crush nuts. Banana peel and cut into slices. Put all ingredients (don't forget about the carob) in a blender and mix. Put into a glass and tightly closed container. Store in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Chicken in carob marinade with pot barley

Time for a dry proposal, because the carob is a great addition not only to sweet pastes and pastries! The substance will also good solution as an ingredient of marinade for meat or fish. Today we present the idea for a chicken in a carob marinade.

Ingredients: Chicken breast, pot barley, two carrots, a small apple, 2 tablespoons of carob, a pinch of sweet pepper, a pinch of salt and pepper, a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, two teaspoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of rapeseed oil.

Prepapration: Wash and dry the chicken breast. Prepare marinade - mix carob with spices and balsamic vinegar. Add a teaspoon of olive oil. Place the meat in the marinade, cover and leave for about 30 minutes. During this time, cook the pot barley according to the instructions on the package and prepare the salad - peel the apple and carrots and grate on a grater on small meshes, add a teaspoon of olive oil and mix. Remove the meat from the marinade and fry it on a small amount of rapeseed oil. Serve with pot barley and salad.

Oatmeal carob cookies

After a nutritious dinner, time for dessert. In this role, cookies with the addition of the carob, which fit both coffee, tea and milk. Adults and children will love them!

Ingredients: half a cup of oatmeal, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of wheat or spelt flour, a handful of raisins, 2 tablespoons of carob, a handful of walnuts.

Preparation: Crush nuts. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix. Layer with a spoon on a baking tray with baking paper small portions of the dough. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake to brown the cookies.

Carob - side effects and contraindications

The carob is considered a safe substance that does not adversely affect human health. It is a healthy component of the diet, which consumed in moderate amounts does not contribute to the occurrence of side effects. The substance used in excess can cause abdominal pain, bloating and nausea, and may also have a purgative effect.

Due to the high fiber content in the carob, caution should be taken by people taking medications, as the substance may hinder the absorption of some active ingredients found in pharmaceuticals.

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Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Master of dietetics, specialist in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy

Copywriter - dietitian. She completed her bachelor's degree in sports dietetics at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - at the UP in Poznań. She treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable tips, not rigorous regulations, that must be strictly followed. Privately, she is passionate about photography, which cannot imagine life without books.

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