MSM dosage, or what portion of organic sulfur is recommended?

MSM dosage, or what portion of organic sulfur is recommended?

What dose of MSM is safe for the body and what should organic sulfur supplementation look like? Is it even necessary to take the product?

MSM - what exactly is it?

MSM is otherwise known as methylsulfonylmethane, or organic sulfur. It is a biologically active compound that is distinguished by its high absorption rate. In its pure form, organic sulfur is an odorless, white powder that is very soluble in water.

Sulfur is an element that occurs naturally in our bodies. Its compounds are stored in bones and joints. Thanks to this, organic sulfur affects the proper functioning of the locomotor apparatus.

However, it is worth noting that this compound is very unstable, sensitive to temperature and sunlight. As a result, organic sulfur is not always well absorbed by the human body.

Effect of MSM on the body

Sulfur plays an important role in the body, namely:

  • relieves pain in joints and muscles,
  • contributes to better collagen production,
  • supports the production of synovial fluid that protects joints,
  • improves the condition of connective tissue,
  • strengthens hair,
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and nails,
  • influences the increase of bone mineral density,
  • supports regenerative processes,
  • it is used in the fight against acne and allergies.

Sources of MSM in food

Although MSM is more associated with supplements in white powder form, significant amounts of organic sulfur also occur naturally in foods.

Organic sulfur can be found in, among other things, cow's milk and dairy products, whole grain cereal products, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as red meat or eggs.

However, as mentioned earlier, this compound is very delicate and is easily degraded by, among other things, cooking or pasteurization, as well as by freezing or irradiation. Therefore, the amount of the element that can be utilized by the body is ultimately small.

MSM - dosage of the preparation

Due to the low bioavailability of organosulfur from food, in many cases its supplementation is recommended. When taking MSM in the form of an odorless preparation, it is worth starting with smaller portions and then increasing the dose.

Therefore, it is worth starting supplementation with about 1 g of MSM per day to gradually get the body used to more. Ultimately, the recommended portion of the preparation is 2-3 g of organic sulfur per day.

When taking MSM in powder form, dissolve the appropriate portion of organic sulfur in water and drink about half an hour before a meal. On the other hand, when using a supplement in the form of tablets, it is enough to drink the preparation with plenty of water 30 minutes before consumption.

It is worth noting that excess sulfur is excreted from the body with urine.

Organic sulfur is described as a compound that is safe to use, nevertheless, be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the package and not to exceed the recommended servings of the supplement. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a serving of less than 4845.6 mg/day is considered a safe dose.

Recommended MSM products

What to combine MSM with?

Organic sulfur is good to combine together with collagen, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C and B vitamins. These substances help to increase the effectiveness of sulfur, and also produce synergistic effects.

How long to take MSM?

The first effects of supplementation in the presence of various types of diseases can be observed after about 2-3 weeks of taking the product.

Preliminary data suggest that organic sulfur taken orally can be used for up to three months, while MSM applied to the skin can be used for up to 20 days.

However, there is still a lack of specific scientific studies that provide a comprehensive answer as to how long organic sulfur can be taken in the form of a dietary supplement.

Why is proper MSM dosage so important?

Although sulfur occurs naturally in the body and is supplied to it with food, the doses of MSM that enter the body in this way are not too large. Covering the demand for organic sulfur is extremely important to counteract the effects of substance deficiency.

Sulfur deficiency can lead to a number of adverse changes and contribute to the development of diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis as well as osteoarthritis. Insufficient supply of the element can also cause deterioration of mood, feeling of constant fatigue, as well as intensification of muscle and joint pain.

Therefore, in some cases, preferably after consultation with a specialist, MSM supplementation is recommended to support the body and joints, contributing to an improved quality of life and well-being.

Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Master of dietetics, specialist in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy

Copywriter - dietitian. She completed her bachelor's degree in sports dietetics at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - at the UP in Poznań. She treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable tips, not rigorous regulations, that must be strictly followed. Privately, she is passionate about photography, which cannot imagine life without books.

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