Somatic training – what does it mean? Example exercises

Somatic training – what does it mean? Example exercises

Somatic training is a specific form of physical activity and a relatively unknown method of working with the body. It is a collection of techniques aimed at enhancing the awareness of movement and sensations, which may help reduce stress and improve posture. Regular somatic practice can positively influence well-being and physical condition, supporting the development of proper movement patterns. What is somatic training? What somatic exercises are worth doing? Somatization – what are the effects?

Natalia Goździak

Natalia Goździak

Master of dietetics, specialist in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy

Copywriter - dietitian. She completed her bachelor's degree in sports dietetics at the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań, while her master's degree in dietoprophylaxis and dietotherapy - at the UP in Poznań. She treats the principles of healthy eating primarily as valuable tips, not rigorous regulations, that must be strictly followed. Privately, she is passionate about photography, which cannot imagine life without books.

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