Spermidine is a substance that occurs naturally in living organisms, as well as in food products, although the ingredient is increasingly available also in the form of dietary supplements, which is due to the fact that the concentration of spermidine in the human body decreases with age. It is an organic compound with a comprehensive effect on the human body, which affects the formation of DNA and RNA, as well as affects the growth and division of cells, promoting autophagy processes. It is a substance that can also have a beneficial effect on fertility, life expectancy and alleviation of viral infections. What is spermidine and how does it work? How is spermidine different from spermine? What are the sources of spermidine? Is spermidine supplementation a good idea?
Spermidine - what is it?
Spermidine is an organic chemical compound classified as polyamines. It is a substance naturally occurring in the cells of the human body, which can also be found in the cells of animals and plants. This component was first isolated in 1678 by a Dutch scientist, also considered the inventor of the microscope, which is Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, who, analyzing the microbiome of dental sediment, discovered a crystalline compound called spermine. In the XIX century, on the basis of further scientific research, spermidine was distinguished from spermine. Although both compounds are considered to be polyamines, they differ in their molecular composition - spermidine is a triamine containing two amino groups and one imine group, while spermine is considered to be tetraamine, which is distinguished by four amino groups.
Spermidine, which owes its name to the occurrence in the semen of mammals, became the object of interest of a larger group of scientists only in the XX century, when it was discovered, that the substance present in every cell of the human body plays many important biological roles in the human body. Particular attention was paid to the influence of spermidine on the process of autophagy, which is a natural method of cleansing the body of dead and damaged cells, without contributing to their death.
Sources of spermidine
Spermidine is a substance present in living organisms, which in high concentration occurs in organs such as kidneys, liver, spleen or pancreas. The chemical compound can also be found in the central nervous system, primarily in the white matter of the brain, as well as in the male semen.
Although the human body is able to independently synthesize polyamine, it is worth knowing that the content of spermidine in human blood decreases with age, which makes, it is worth considering providing the ingredient to the body also from external sources - along with consumed foods or in the form of dietary supplements.
Recommended dietary supplements
Spermidine in food
Due to the fact that spermidine is found in plant and animal cells, the chemical compound can also be found in many commonly consumed food products. Spermidine is present, among others, in:
- wheat germ and other cereals,
- apples,
- red grapefruits,
- broccoli,
- cauliflower,
- grapes,
- soy and soy products,
- blue cheese,
- nuts,
- mushrooms.
Studies conducted so far also suggest that some intestinal bacteria may have the ability to produce polyamine, but only if the body is supplied with adequate amounts of ballast substances.
Spermidine – properties and action
Spermidine is involved in many important biological processes. The main role of the compound is to protect sperm DNA from the acidic environment of the vagina, preventing their denaturation. Moreover, along with other substances such as spermine and putrescine, spermidine can participate in the regulation of lactation among mammals. The substance can also affect the formation of DNA and RNA, proteins and lipids, while regulating the functions of biological membranes and affecting the stabilization of the structures of genetic information carriers.
Scientific studies also indicate that spermidine may contribute to the regulation of hormonal balance among both men and women. Analyses suggest that supplementation with the compound may lower cortisol levels, while increasing testosterone levels in men, while in the group of women the component may cause an increase in progesterone and estradiol levels during the follicular phase, which may have a positive effect on fertility and the likelihood of pregnancy.
Moreover, the polyamine component can stimulate the autophagy process, promoting longevity. Available data indicate that the compound can activate self-cleaning processes, contributing to the degradation or removal of dysfunctional, unnecessary and mutated cells, as well as their components. Thus, spermidine can prevent the formation of deposits of unnecessary components, which not only can reduce the number of free radicals, but also can protect the body from premature aging, which can also delaying the natural aging processes occurring in the body and affecting the extension of life expectancy. Autophagy, supported, among others, by spermidine, allows the restoration of normal metabolism of biological material, while increasing the resistance of cells to stress and difficult environmental conditions.
Preliminary results also suggest that spermidine may have a positive effect on cognitive abilities, also preventing premature aging of the brain, by affecting synapses and reducing the likelihood of damage to nerve cells. Thus, the substance can reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, being a valuable element of prevention in diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
The potentially beneficial effect of spermidine on lung cells infected with SARS COV-2 virus also seems promising. Scientific research indicates that in cells infected with the virus, can be observed a reduced level of spermidine compared to healthy cells of the body, and give the polyamine of infected cells can contribute to the reduction liability of the virus by up to 85%, while positively affecting the course of infection. This phenomenon may be related to the fact that the SARS COV-2 virus can reduce autophagy by interfering with metabolic pathways, which may promote its reproduction and survival. It is worth noting that the discussed experience was only an in vitro study, and detailed clinical studies are still needed to confirm the beneficial effect of spermidine on COVID-19 therapy.
Spermidine - dietary supplement
The growing interest in the compound caused that dietary supplements with spermidine began to appear on the market, being a concentrated source of the desired substance, which can positively affect the functioning of the human body, supporting the work of the system on many levels.
The main sources of spermidine used in dietary supplements are considered sprouted buckwheat seeds and soybean seed extract, although sometimes in preparations can also be found Spirulina platensis algae. Wheat germ extract rich in spermidine is also a frequently used ingredient.
How to choose the right dietary supplement with polyamine? Supplementation with spermidine should consist in providing the body with a preparation that is distinguished by high quality and simple composition, ensuring the supply of significant amounts of the desired ingredient, and at the same time not bringing unnecessary substances into the body, such as numerous fillers, dyes or aromas. A good preparation with spermidine is an easy to use product that allows to meet the needs of the body and enrich daily diet with a valuable ingredient.

Spermidine seems to be a promising chemical compound that can positively affect the human body, contributing to the delay of aging processes. Scientific research conducted so far suggests that spermidine may be a valuable ingredient that may have a comprehensive effect on the human body, but further analysis is still needed, focusing on many different aspects of the impact of substances on the human body.
People who have so far reached for dietary supplements containing spermidine see the positive effect of the compound on the body and are willing to continue using preparations rich in the ingredient. Users of spermidine also did not observe the occurrence of undesirable side effects resulting from supplementation when taking recommended portions of the product, which may positively affect the popularity of dietary supplements with spermidine.
Spermidine - price
Although spermidine is becoming more and more popular among consumers, the compound is not a widely available product, which means that finding the right supplement with spermidine can sometimes be a real challenge.
The preparation containing the desired substance can be found among the products proposed by the OstroVit brand. OstroVit Pharma Spermidine 30 capsules is a high-quality dietary supplement from the elite OstroVit Pharma line, which is distinguished not only by its attractive price, but also by its efficiency and convenient form of supply. It is the preparation available in the form of easy-to-swallow capsules, which is characterized by a simple composition and richness of the desired substance, which allows for a trouble-free and effective supply of a dietary supplement.
Spermidine - summary
Spermidine is a chemical substance belonging to polyamines, which is a compound naturally occurring in the human body, however, the ingredient can also be found in plant and animal cells, which makes, that spermidine can also be delivered to the body with a daily menu.
Spermidine is a compound with versatile properties that can positively affect the process of autophagy, contributing to the maintenance of cellular homeostasis and prolonging cell life, and may also reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, also helps reduce oxidative stress. The polyamine may contribute to the improvement of brain function and cognitive abilities, and may also have a beneficial effect on fertility, which makes the compound increasingly popular among consumers, who are more and more willing to reach for dietary supplements containing spermidine.