Stomach is often the cause of hang-ups and seems resistant to any attempts at weight loss. How to slim down the stomach? What helps to lose weight in the stomach?
Hula hoop is associated with children's games, but it is also a good form of physical activity for adults. What can be the effects of exercise with a hoop?
The 8/16 diet is a kind of intermittent fasting - for 8 hours during the day you can freely reach for food, while during a 16-hour break you should fast. What are the rules of intermittent fasting? Know its benefits and effects.
A reduction diet is a diet to lose weight. Its basic principle is to provide fewer calories than the body consumes per day. What rules should be followed to make a reduction diet effective? We explain!
A calorie deficit is a state in which we consume fewer calories from our meals than the body actually requires. What amount should it be? What are the risks of too high a caloric deficit?
At some stage, many people who are trying to lose weight decide to combine diet with exercise. Any form of exercise helps with weight loss because it generates a calorie deficit.
Fat burners are very tempting dietary supplements, which is why new products are constantly appearing on the market. The choice is huge, so naturally, we look for hints in the form of fat burners rankings.
Pills that reduce weight effortlessly are the dream of many people struggling with weight excess. But do they exist? What is the role of a good slimming pill? How to buy a preparation that really works?
The process of losing weight is very demanding and should not only lead to healthy body weight, but especially to the development of good eating habits. What to eat to lose weight wisely?