Why should you take group B vitamins?

Why should you take group B vitamins?

All the vitamins from group B have similar characteristics and they are mainly responsible for correct functioning of our nervous system. Individuals, however, play many other roles in the body as well, so it's really a good idea to make sure they are properly supplemented. Especially children and pregnant women should be aware of getting vitamin B deficiency. What are their features? Where can you find them and why are they worth taking? Let’s find out!

What are the characteristics of group B vitamins?

All those that are soluble in water are said to be from group B. Their role is improving mood, relieving nervous tension, and generally improving mental health. They are a part of the majority of enzymes and also activate their work. We also cannot forget to mention that B vitamins support our intellectual performance and regulate the metabolic changes that take place in the organism. That's not all though, each B vitamin has its own features. What vitamins belong to the B group?

  • Thiamine - vitamin B1;
  • Riboflavin - vitamin B2;
  • Vitamin PP - vitamin B3;
  • Pantothenic acid - vitamin B5;
  • Pyridoxine - vitamin B6;
  • Biotin - vitamin B7;
  • Folic acid - vitamin B9;
  • Cobalamin - vitamin B12.

As you can see, there are really quite a few vitamins that belong to the B group. Each of them has specific functions, and a deficiency leads to all kinds of anomalies in certain processes. What tasks do B vitamins have to deal with?

Recommended products with B vitamins

What are the characteristics of each B vitamin?

  • Thiamine

B1 Vitamins take active part in cell respiration. They are the ones responsible for supporting the nervous system, stimulating carbohydrate as well as protein conversion, and controlling bone growth. Thiamine is a very important vitamin, because it decides how our body works. In case we lead to its deficiency, we will be at risk of having concentration problems, feeling tired or sleepy. What is more, its lack in the organism favors damage to the myelin sheaths of neurons.

  • Riboflavin

The role of vitamin B is transporting the oxygen to our cells, and also taking care of platelet stabilization. It is responsible for the proper functioning of our nervous and immune system. It protects us from diseases such as diabetes and cataracts, as well as strengthens our nails, hair and skin. We cannot forget that it also helps in the treatment of anemia. If we have a deficiency of it, we will experience nervousness, headaches, skin changes, growth disorders, and in extreme cases worse intellectual performance.

  • Niacin and pantothenic acid

Vitamin B3 plays an important role during the synthesis of insulin, cortisol, sex hormones, and the production of red blood cells. It is responsible for ensuring that carbohydrates, fats and proteins are burned properly. If there is a lack of it in our body, muscles will become weaker, and we may experience pelagia. Pantothenic acid, on the other hand, gets its energy from fats, proteins, and carbohydrates which is absolutely essential for the synthesis of melatonin, vitamin D and other neurotransmitters.

  • Pyridoxine and biotin

Vitamin B6 affects our immune system, synthesizes prostaglandin and hemoglobin, also influences many metabolic changes. In opposition to it, biotin works on the condition of our skin, nails and hair. It also takes an active part in clotting along with blood sugar regulation.

  • Folic acid and cobalamin

The role of vitamin B9 is multiplication of cells. If it comes to its deficiency, we will experience anemia, as well as disorders in the formation of intestinal epithelium. Pregnant women, on the other hand, will be at risk of having abnormalities in their development. Cobalamin supports the synthesis of red blood cells, and also affects our nervous system. Its lack significantly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Providing vitamin B through our daily diet

As you can see vitamin B is a crucial element and without it, proper functioning of our body is impossible. In case of lack of it, one way of dealing with it is to start following a proper, balanced diet. Filling these deficiencies is possible by reaching for fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain pasta, bread, rice, fish, meat, nuts, and eggs. What if following a proper diet is not enough?

B Vitamins in daily diet.

Vitamin B Complex - why is it worth taking?

The effects of B vitamin deficiency can be painful. Therefore, if a proper diet is not enough, it is necessary to decide on proper supplementation. One of the worth taking supplements is OstroVit Vitamin B Complex. It is a verified by specialists product that can help solve our problems. Do not forget to take care of your health before the situation gets worse.

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