Vision is one of the most important human senses, essential for proper sight. What should you eat for better eyesight? Which nutrients support eye health?
The Japanese water diet is a hydration philosophy that emphasizes the importance of proper fluid intake. What are the principles of the Japanese water diet?
The Samurai Diet is a nutritional plan based on the principles of the paleo diet. What are the rules of the Samurai Diet? What does a sample Samurai Diet meal plan look like?
The OXY diet is a modified version of the popular Dukan diet, based on an increased intake of protein in the daily menu. What is the OXY diet all about?
A diabetic diet is a nutritional model recommended for individuals with diabetes and insulin resistance. What to eat with diabetes? What does a diabetic meal plan look like?
A liver-friendly diet is a light, easily digestible eating plan used both for prevention and in liver diseases. What does a meal plan look like on a liver-supportive diet?