The SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) is a dietary approach recommended for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders. What is the SCD diet and what are its principles?
The Ornish Diet is a low-fat, vegetarian eating plan developed as a preventive and therapeutic approach to cardiovascular diseases. What are the benefits of Dr. Ornish’s diet?
Running is a sport enjoyed by millions around the world. What should a runner's diet look like? What to eat before a workout, and what foods to choose after running?
A one-day fast is an unusual and unconventional dietary practice that is gaining growing interest among consumers. What are the pros and cons of a 24-hour fast?
Insulin resistance is a carbohydrate metabolism disorder. What kind of diet is recommended for insulin resistance? Insulin resistance diet – what to eat and what to avoid?
The carbohydrate diet is a way of eating where carbohydrates serve as the primary source of energy. What to eat on a carbohydrate diet? What are the principles of a high-carb diet?
The GAPS diet is a nutritional approach based on the connection between the gut and the brain. What is the GAPS diet? What are the characteristics of each stage of the eating plan?