Aspartic acid belongs to the group of amino acids and is involved in numerous physiological processes, including participates in protein synthesis and regulates the level of such hormones as testosterone.
Testosterone is a sex hormone that ensures the proper functioning of the body. In men, it is responsible for, among other things, adequate muscle growth, tone of voice, body hair and maintenance of sexual function.
You certainly know L-arginine, an endogenous amino acid that is involved in many physiological processes in the human body. Have you also heard of the L-arginine derivative - agmatine?
Macronutrients, or so-called major elements, should be supplied to the body in the diet or in the form of dietary supplements. They stimulate growth and cell regeneration.
Vitamin C, which we supply to the body, is not always in the form of L-ascorbic acid. An increasingly popular alternative is sodium ascorbate, the sodium salt of ascorbic acid.
Although rutin is a very often used ingredient that can be found in numerous dietary supplements and cosmetics, it is rarely mentioned. Meanwhile, it has a wide spectrum of activity.
Vitamin B12 ist one of the most important active ingredients supporting health. Its long-term deficiency can lead to numerous disorders. It is for this reason that it is worth taking care of proper supplementation.
Methionine is amino acid, that supports a series of processes taking place in the body. It is responsible for the growth and renewal of body tissues and its main sources is food.
Creatine before or after training? - gym-goers ask these questions in online forums. But does the time of its intake matter? When is it better to take creatine?