Pills that reduce weight effortlessly are the dream of many people struggling with weight excess. But do they exist? What is the role of a good slimming pill? How to buy a preparation that really works?
Amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of all proteins in living organisms. Some of them must be supplied with food, while others are produced by the body itself in the required quantities.
A woman's organism has special needs, which change with time. Slightly different doses of vitamins are required by a pregnant and a mature woman. Vitamins for women are not the same for everyone.
Collagen is the most important joint component, and their damage is related to insufficient amounts of this protein in the tissues. Supplementation with collagen has a healing impact on joints and also reduces pain.
Food is the best source of magnesium, as it is much better absorbed than from dietary supplements. Yet research results are worrying! Even 80% of the Polish population may have a magnesium deficiency.
Do you have problems with dry skin, brittle hair and fatigue? Do you often catch colds? You might have an iron deficiency. Find out what symptoms are associated with it, and what foods are high in iron.
We are constantly being told about the importance of vitamin D3 in the proper functioning of the human body, especially during the autumn and winter periods. How important is the role of vitamin D3?
Vitamin A, alongside vitamins D, E and K, is one of the fat-soluble vitamins that are stored in the liver and body fat. What are the benefits of regular vitamin A and E supplementation? We answer this question.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin. Although it is present in fruit and vegetables, it is not found in lemons, but mainly in parsley and peppers. What should be the daily dose of vitamin C?
Niacin is another name for vitamin B3. The function of niacin focuses on controlling metabolic processes, but this is not the only role it plays in the body. Find out what properties and functions vitamin B3 has.