
Omega 3 fatty acids - get to know their meaning!
Omega 3 fatty acids - get to know their meaning!
Essential unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs) omega 3, 6 and 9 are fats that the human body cannot produce. Since they are necessary for the proper functioning of our body, they must be provided with food. 
Why should you take group B vitamins?
Why should you take group B vitamins?
All the vitamins from group B have similar characteristics and they are mainly responsible for correct functioning of our nervous system. Individuals, however, play many other roles in the body as well.
Vitamin D3 and K2 - know their meaning!
Vitamin D3 and K2 - know their meaning!
Vitamin D3 is very popular because it supports the functioning of the immune system. In turn, vitamin K2 facilitates the maintenance of healthy and strong bones. Discover the recommended dose of vitamins D3 and K2!